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Everything posted by storum

  1. Thanks Mr.X. - Congratulations !!!
  2. I dont know make this...
  3. Guys, attention for this: ............................................................... Information: System: NEO RomName: kof2k4se Game: The King of Fighters - Special Edition 2004 [Program] 2k4-p1.bin,0,100000,5f482757,0 2k4-p2d.bin,100000,400000,698679a7,0 [Text] 2k4-s1.bin,0,20000,a3c9b2d8,0 [Z80] 2k4-m1.bin,0,20000,5a47d9ad,0 [samples] 2k4-v1.bin,0,400000,8991f6e9,0 2k4-v2.bin,400000,400000,511e4d2f,0 2k4-v3.bin,800000,400000,1dd8b53a,0 2k4-v4.bin,C00000,400000,63bb5462,0 [Graphics] 2k4-c1.bin,0,800000,7a050288,0 2k4-c2.bin,1,800000,e924afcf,0 2k4-c3.bin,1000000,800000,959fad0b,0 2k4-c4.bin,1000001,800000,efe6a468,0 2k4-c5.bin,2000000,800000,74bba7c6,0 2k4-c6.bin,2000001,800000,e20d2216,0 2k4-c7.bin,3000000,800000,fa705b2b,0 2k4-c8.bin,3000001,800000,2c912ff9,0 [system] CartridgeID: 0 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 ............................................................... Anybody know make this game run on kawa-x for xbox ? Please, it´s good game !!!
  4. Please, i need of covers for emus-xbox. Where ? Thanks.
  5. I need of the bios. My bios is corrupt. Where ?
  6. Guys, does difference exist in those roms? How do I do to run the full version on xbox ? Thanks. ps: kof beta = 30 mb kof full = 90 mb
  7. Does exist emulator - Odissey for xbox ? Thanks. ps: Source code is free. http://o2em.sourceforge.net/
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