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Everything posted by adamshumpisxxx

  1. I downloaded mine from the original megaupload links. There was no screenshot pack. When everything was fully unpacked the CoinOPS 2 folder was 25.2GB in size. I can get you a MD5 checksum a little later if you'd like. Also, why do you need one? Every game comes with a preview video when you highlight it.
  2. PM sent. Let me know if you have any more trouble.
  3. Just a quick correction to my last bug report. This is happening to ALL N64 games whether in SD or HD. I believe this only occurs when the PixelPerfect option is enabled. Perhaps this is something expected as it isn't polished completely yet. Just thought I'd chime in to give you bug reports. EDIT: Spoke too soon. It's still freezing regardless of what state PixelPerfect is in. My only other guess would be that the R2 update itself is causing the issue. I reset all of my settings back to default to see if this would alleviate my problems but it hasn't. I guess I'll just wait for R3.
  4. I'm running into another issue. Diddy Kong Racing is freezing the entire Xbox at random times. It's hard to want to play the game anymore due to making a lot of progress and not knowing when it's going to crash or if your progress is going to be saved. If anyone needs proof I'm sure I can capture it in a video. Does R3 address this? Also a couple of requests (if I may): Bushido Blade - PSX Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero - PSX Lucky & Wild - Arcade I believe these games fit into the CoinOPS 2 feel. Let me know if this is possible or already planned. Thanks!
  5. Thanks. I'll be on the lookout for the fix and will post my results with it promptly.
  6. I'll test it BP. If that suits you.
  8. I can confirm this bug. I just tested it on my v1.6 console modified VIA an Xecuter 2.6 CE modhip running the EvoX M8 v1.6 BIOS. The issue is the same regardless of dashboard. The temporary solution (until a fix is released of course) is to play the game in standard definition instead of 720p. This can be done by pressing start in the main CoinOPS 2 game list, choosing the Settings option, scrolling to the bottom of the list, enabling Advanced Settings, pressing the right trigger 1 time, and setting VIDEO 720P Hi Def Support to DISABLED. CoinOPS 2 will then restart in standard definition mode and DoDonPachi should work just fine. I hope that helps!
  9. How would we go about proving we have more than 4,000 games? All I have done is update the original CoinOPS 2 with the R2 Standalone update you released all as you intended. The "gameinfo" folder now has 4,107 ini files in it. What I think you may mean is if we express interest in wanting all of the games without removing any in the upcoming update then you'll add a "gameinfo2" folder. I vote you keep all of the current games and build on from there. Not that my request has much weight around here...I'm just saying.
  10. I get it now. Thanks BP. I don't mean t pry but how do you plan to overcome the 4096 file limit? Maybe create a "gameinfo2" folder and just code CoinOPS 2 to find the additional 11 files there (plus all the future additions you may make)? Either way I'm thankful for the fix and your continued work.
  11. Wait a minute...I think I'm confused now. I originally downloaded the full unmodified CoinOPS 2 and then installed the R2 Standalone update to it. Was this a mistake? Was there another R2 update for us users who just downloaded CoinOPS 2 and used it as BP intended? BP said for users that don't tinker there are no issues. I didn't tinker and I'm still having an issue. Let me know what I'm either not understanding or what I did wrong. I believe this just might be a language barrier thing. Thanks again!
  12. Thanks BP. I'll be standing by for the R3 update then. I just wanted to be sure that nothing adverse was going to happen to my Xbox / CoinOPS 2 build. So, thank you for easing my worry. What I would like to know now though is what effect will running CoinOPS 2 with the R2 update have? Will those 11 games just not show up an cause no other issues? Thanks again BP for answering my questions and thank you for CoinOPS.
  13. I'm afraid to run CoinOPS 2 now after I FTPed over the R2 Standalone update. All that previous talk of "checks" and mysterious "punishments" has me worried I'm going to have to start over from scratch / lose my game saves / whatever. Anything we can do in the meantime until R3 is released? Even so...how will adding files through an update rectify not being able to put more than 4096 file in a folder? I foresee having to manually remove files on your own before udating to R3. Not really a problem for me to be honest. It's worth it. Just a concern...Thanks again!
  14. Hey, guys + BP! Long time lurker...first time poster. I was wondering if anyone else had any trouble FTPing the R2 Standalone update to their CoinOPS 2 folder? The Xbox seems to have a 4096 file limit per folder and the "CoinOPS 2\gameinfo\" directory now has 4,107 files in it after the update. Every combination of FTP program and dashboard are refusing the final 11 files which are as follows: zeropnta.ini zeroteam.ini zerotime.ini zerozone.ini znpwfv.ini zoar.ini zodiack.ini zookeep2.ini zookeep3.ini zoom909.ini zzyzzyxxx.ini Is there a current work-around or will the R3 Update fix this? Thank you in advance for your answers!
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