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gamez fan

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Everything posted by gamez fan

  1. There is long answer to this but i'll just give you the short one a standard xbox cannot load Gaiapolis in FBL it'll run outta mem on boot.
  2. Oh it doesn't use the midway drivers, it runs on Itech32 hardware being a joint effort between Midway and Incredible Technologies funny enough i had it up and running in both MAMEoX72 and MAMEoXtras it performs the same more or less it both cores it's way to slow to be playable on the xbox as per some other games in that driver like say Drivers Edge or Street Fighter The Movie. TBH i never meant to support this one on the xbox as going how the above games performed and the fact there are no speedups for the game and it uses some nifty photo realistic gfx as per NBA Jam etc etc i knew it was gonna be slow hence my target was always just going to be add it to test it out make sure it works and then port it across MAME2003+.
  3. Well i did add it for testing purposes to my own MAMEoXtras build before i then ported it across to the MAME2003+ core Trust me the xbox does not have the power under the hood to emulate this game correctly it's unplayable more or less.
  4. Nothing you can do TBH
  5. With regards to the Jackie Chan games set your FBL build to SD mode rather than HD and they should work.
  6. Do yourself a favor and just delete the whole fucking lot!! ha ha
  7. gamez fan

    Raine 0.64.13

    Gotta be honest here im not fully up on what CPU cores Raine has, But just a small heads up to mention when it comes to the recent MCU dumps that add full sound to Fire Shark Teki Paki and Vimana and if you were interested in hooking up the sound for these games in Raine if you dont have the Z180 CPU a Z80 CPU will do the job just fine confirmed to work in my olde MAME Src and Currant Final Burn Alpha builds.
  8. KIxxx1.2 RC2 PC By SPPV After 13 years of nothing the PC is getting what the XBOX has had for the past year. KIxxx1.2 Why Use KIxxx1.2 Instead Of U64 3.11? USE FAQ THANKS KI 1&2 On KIxxx1.2 RC2 PC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gnmJx49W2k DOWNLOAD
  9. The Sega System 24 games are only playable in MAMEoXtras as i put in the time to get em working.from your post above it seems you want BP to update the MAME core in hypervision so they will also work in this frontend.In order to do that he would have to do one of two things do the work himself from scratch or more likely just take my code and insert it into one or all of his projects.He can do this and has done it plenty of times before because unlike him my MAMEoxtras builds are all Open Source in 2016. Thats the downside of being open source i suppose muppets who i dislike can just take my code and use it in their lame ass projects
  10. The World is full of people who dont follow rules i cant see a change in the MAME licence stopping them from releasing new versions of the projects they work on.But i wonder what happens if the above versions of MAME continue simply flaunting the licence..??? I assume the MAME Dev project is not Apple Corp or Microsoft and doesn't have the funds to take people to court to enforce the new licenece. But didn't i see a post on Mameworld where you stated you may be able to continue with HB MAME afterall..???
  11. Here ya go take your pick....... https://github.com/mamedev/mame/tags
  12. I would guess your Xbox has to be modded for this to work..??? This is a Xbox port so it wont work on other platforms but maybe a quick search on google will turn up what other systems the game is avialable for
  13. Sorry to hear of your sad loss my deepest sympathys to you and your family.
  14. You can add the Toaplan Samples from ThunderMAME For Fire Shark Vimana Ghox and Teki Paki it gives the games Full FX and Music should drop into your Src easy enough and Defo worth adding to Raine
  15. Hmmm this wasn't supposed to be a update or a Release FU i just put up the xbe's for Rojola to try out on his upgraded xbox No harm done though it's just the game doesn't play too well really as the ole xbox cant really handle it
  16. No as that sort of feature isn't supported in MAMEoXtras plus personally i have no idea how to create such a button command code wise
  17. Just remap the Start+Select button in the Emulator control options you can do this ingame and set it to be whatever button you want to Exit game
  18. And dont forget to visit here for a whole overall complete picture of whats available xbox Emulation Wise....... http://www.emuxtras.net/forum/portal.php
  19. There's more to xbox Emulation than just CoinOPS There's Alotta cool stuff out there be sure to check out some of the standalone Console and Arcade Emulators
  20. i answered your question in the other thread you posted elseware
  21. I know this is the last thing ya wanna hear but ive never failed to sell something on ebay be it books CD's DVD's Games Consoles Clothes etc etc when you get up and running on there im sure you'll shift all your stuff pretty quickly
  22. Not 100% on this as i haven't used CoinOPS in years but i think you need to grab and install the full CoinOPS 6 version 1st then update to R16
  23. I think he means MAME 0.150 although i cant see in CoinOPS/Vision if it's being used for anything currantly..???
  24. I looked at adding support for Buggy Boy to MAMEoXtras a while back basically it needed a CPU Core updated on top of porting the driver, video, machine, Src files then a whole new sound core alotta work which i was prepaired to plod away at problem was the code being from newer MAME126 was not compatable with the MAME84 Core which MAMEoXtras uses so it needed to be done by someone with more coding experience than me IQ_132 for example For talking sake the general consensus was that Tatsumi games wouldn't run too well on the xbox however when i added the Tatsumi driver from MAME88 the games all played well enough although only Round Up 5 Super Delta Force a sorta Chase HQ rip off was fully working anyway i reackon Buggy Boy if ported to the older MAME84 Xbox MAME Core would play fine as it's an even older Tatsumi game than Round Up 5 etc etc but since the only fella who could doesn't have the time or desire to do so i guess we'll never know for sure
  25. I had the same issues with Rad Rally and Rad Mobile in the Arcade emulator i use in the end i just got rid of the games as no matter what settings i used the car wont control properly it's an Analog Control issue which is causing the problems.Maybe you'll get more advice about this if you post on the official CoinOPS forum But Im surprised to hear the games still have the same issues in CoinOPS as the developer of this frontend launcher always brags how he's fixed the analog input controls seems that for these games and others im sure thats not the case
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