It's what I refer to when a company makes a game and instead of actually making a good game they make the graphics shiny and fool the Idiot Crowd into thinking that those are the most amazing graphics in the world. I blame the unsuccessfulness of Nintendo on PS2 fans. The reason being is because as the Gamecube just started launching, I remember walking into Gamestop or EB Games and hearing these morons standing at the Gamecube section and blasting each and every game as being kiddy. Remember Resident Evil? That too was claimed to be kiddy. To my point, the Idiot Crowd (Who can't decide a damn thing for themselves.) listens to these PS2 fanboys and decide to join in the blasting and refusal to buy Nintendo products. I give you, PS2 fanboys, the middle finger salute (In no way am I bashing the PS2, just the fans.).