Naturally, with any job, you're suppose to start partying at level 15. A Black Mage can go solo for a very long time though. I've seen it done. Once you hit 15 head to Valkrum Dunes or Buburimu Penninsula and work at getting the 3 items to complete the quest to get the ability to use Sub-jobs. 90% of the time, you'll complete the quest at level 20. At level 20, you can then work at getting your Chocobo Liscense. Not that hard. Then it's on to level 30 to be able to acquire quests that'll give you Advance Jobs. I found all this easy with Thief. Though be warned, Warriors, Red Mages and Paladins don't like Thiefs too much cuz they can't comprehend their ownage. Hell, at level 15, you're already the strongest job because of Sneak Attack. Anywho. I find it lame that you just sat and waited instead of asking or starting your own party.