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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Skythe

  1. I want Ghost Rider. I'm very pleased on how they did Psylocke.
  2. Saw Don't get me started. Thank invisible deities for Gamefly.
  3. I was referring more towards the review. Anywho. I don't want the next Batman game to be traversing through Gotham City. That's what all the other ones did which made them fail. Though LEGO Batman was badass but Batman fans refuse to acknowledge it. Scarecrow made this game to me. I've gotten to the point now that I don't like gimmick Joker. I'm more partial towards Heath Joker. Detective Mode was nice at first but grew tedious since I spent 90% of the game in it. I personally think what made this game scream for a sequel is all the cameo items of all the other villians in the game and everyone wanting them to be in it. I'm tired of Zsasz. He seems like he was created to make a more human like version of Joker but failed. I hope the next game won't be based off of The Battle of the Cowl event. Since that was DC's attempt to cash in and copy Marvel's Death of Captain America.
  4. Part 2 of 5 Psylocke Alternate Psylocke (House of M)
  5. I hate their faces (imagine me yelling this at you)!!! And I find any boob bigger than a C cup annoying as fuck.
  6. Damn straight. I want to slap you for destroying my eyes with that horrible shit.
  7. Brutal Legend This game is full of YES!
  8. thanks, I'll take em! you can handle all the Skoal chewin' toothless, trailer park redneck 'southern belles' Thanks. My first pick is your mom then.
  9. And you can have the "trapped in the past of a failed lifetime" girls.
  10. Don't forget the Ocarina of Time 64DD version. I've been wanting to bodyslam people who mention ALTTP as great into a pit full of glass covered in HIV.
  11. Make sure to specifiy the tv to show colored pictures as retailers are pretty stupid and'll ask you what color do you want the tv.
  12. Gratz. It took me forever to get my Rogue to 80 since I was basically soloing all the way through. I've never been able to play good as healers. Though, especially in FF11, you can get far fast as a WHM. I had a hard time getting anywhere when the game first came out in the states cuz I was a THF and no one wanted us in groups cuz they thought we were useless till they found out Sneak Attack and Trick Attack did more damage in one strike than any other melee job could image doing.
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