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Everything posted by Skythe

  1. I still prefer the older REs than 4 and 5. Super running fast zombies/insects/plants/whatever the fuck they are piss me off.
  2. He's in the Arcade (as in the villian) stage. Act 2. You have to pull him out of one of those grappling stuff toy game machines. Whoever did his voice tried their hardest to sound like Wesley Snipes in the Blade movies and it just sounds retarded.
  3. He's in the first MUA. The problem though is that he sucked horribly in the game. The only thing he was good for is making the Assassin team (Blade, Elektra, Deadpool and Wolverine) so that you can get 15% more credits (I think it's 15). He was pretty much a weak version of Deadpool.
  4. Most of the Marvel movies tend to merge the Ultimate universe and the Earth-616 universe together. Thus making an amalgam of WTFness.
  5. Nope. Did they make Spawn white? Coz that's just as stupid and I'm sure people would have been upset if they did. No. Jason Wynn and Terry Fitzgerald are black characters in the comics but were played by white actors in the movie. Chapel (who is a black male) was replaced by an original white female named Priest.
  6. Guess you didn't see the Spawn movie then did you?
  7. I'm pretty sure I forgot some. I lost interest in 100% the list when I got to the Ks.
  8. I'm listing them by name and then first appearance. A.B.A. (Guilty Gear: Isuka) Akira Kazama (Rival Schools) Arakune (Blazblue) Astaroth (Soul Calibur) Bakuryu (Bloody Roar) Cammy (Super Street Fighter 2) Chipp Zanuff (Guilty Gear) Cinder (Killer Instinct) Daigo Kazama (Rival Schools) Darth Vader (Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi) Deathstroke (Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe) Dr. Doom (Marvel Super Heroes) Ermac (Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate) Faust (Guilty Gear) Freeman (Garou: Mark of the Wolves) Galford (Samurai Shodown) Gambit (X-Men vs Street Fighter) Garuda (Street Fighter EX) Gato (Garou: Mark of the Wolves) Gen-An (Samurai Shodown) Glacious (Killer Instinct) Guile (Street Fighter 2) Hanzo (Samurai Shodown) Hayato (Star Gladiator) I-No (Guilty Gear XX) Ibuki (Street Fighter 3) Iori (King of Fighters 95) Jedah (Darkstalkers) Jill Valentine (Marvel vs Capcom 2) Joker (Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe) Juggernaut (X-Men: Children of the Atom) Juli (Street Fighter Alpha 3) Justice (Guilty Gear) K' (King of Fighters 99) Kenji (Warzards) Lord Raptor (Darkstalkers) Mega Man (Marvel vs Capcom) Morrigan (Darkstalkers) Noel Vermillion (Blazblue) Noob Saibot (Mortal Kombat 2) Ragna the Bloodedge (Blazblue) Robo Ky (Guilty Gear XX) Ryu (Street Fighter) Ryu Hayabusa (Dead or Alive) Sabrewulf (Killer Instinct) Sagat (Street Fighter) Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) Sektor (Mortal Kombat 3) Shiki (Samurai Shodown 64) Skull-o-mania (Street Fighter EX) Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) Spider-Man (Marvel Super Heroes) Spinal (Killer Instinct) Starkiller (Soul Calibur 4) Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat) Taki (Soul Blade) Talbain (Darkstalkers) Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury) V-13 (Blazblue) Vanessa (King of Fighters 2000) Vega (Street Fighter 2) Venom (Marvel vs Capcom) Yoshimitsu (Tekken) Zaki (Project Justice) Zantetsu (Last Blade) Zappa (Guilty Gear XX) Zero (SNK vs Capcom Chaos)
  9. The only ones left now are Deadpool, Ironman, Captain America and Gambit.
  10. I remember a thread like this years ago, back then you had a HUGE list. Give me time
  11. I was just happy to play as Jill in Mercenaries. Opps, spoiler me thinks.
  12. I got nothin. I want nothing but negative rep. That'll be awesome.
  13. We forgot where we put the nuke button. Clear and simple.
  14. Pfft, awesomeness is far better that muscleyicness.
  15. Hanzo from Samurai Shodown hands down. And that ninja dude from Warzards that I can never remember his name.
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