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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Skythe

  1. So this Mudlord is off to cry and listen to Linkin Park while jacking off of clown women getting raped videos.
  2. 22 sites and 3 default folders that I don't even touch.
  3. If you have a problem with both sides then just vote for the lesser evil. That's what I use to do.
  4. It's official. I fuking hate The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
  5. That's the other thing I have a problem with this one. The campaigns. More so McCain's than Obama's. The constant exploit of Palin being a women (as if my eyes are fuking retarded and couldn't tell) is really getting on my nerves. Plus they're constant campaign over the word lipstick as if Palin reserved, copyrighted and trademarked the word and attacking Obama over his speech where he talked about McCain and used the phrase "put a lipstick on a pig it's still a pig". This election has also turned into Palin vs Obama since Palin was announced McCain has somewhat turned invisible to the public eye as the media is portraying a "Who'll be the mightiest minority?" campaign. I have a headache now.
  6. It's a sitcom about the writer of "Seinfeld" Larry David. I love the episode where he was arguing with the drive thru window because he walked into instead of driving thru it cuz of something wrong with his own vehicle.
  7. I would love to see Shadow Warrior on XBLA as well. That game was just if not more hilarious than Duke Nukem.
  8. I get even less sleep if I get a firecall in the middle of the night running on only adrenaline.
  9. I got it favorited at the portal. Not because I actually go to the portal to view all the emulation news (mainly cuz I stop dealing with emulating) but I've always saved a site at the login screen.
  10. It almost is when electorial votes are the only thing that matters for the election.
  11. I use to piss my brother off everytime he ate one. I kept calling it Paper Pizza and asked him if he was gonna eat the box too. I pretty much said the same things you said about a thin crust
  12. I hate voting cuz I see it as being pointless as it's no longer to me a presidential election and more of a celebrity popularity contest. It's very similar to an award show like MTV's. News channels are really bad at promoting this view. Especially Fox & Friends. They are the worse of any news channel of all.
  13. Energy drinks suck. The only one I do cuz it actually works is the 5 Hour Energy Shot. It doesn't have any of the ingredients that the others have. Though I think the real reason it works is cuz it tastes so awful.
  14. I was talking about the presidential election voting not your poll.
  15. Looked more like a Japanese Oni than a Goblin to me.
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