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Everything posted by Skythe

  1. Equilibrium Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I had to watch these to bring my mind back on track after watching 10, 000 B.C. I feel fine again.
  2. I never had a problem with MD: DA, MKD or MKA. I have no idea why they've been blasted as being shity. The only thing I hated about MKA was the make your own generic fatality.
  3. I also noticed that Sub-Zero now has a teleport move.
  4. Now we see Shang Tsung in that trailer. I don't see how this is similar the Marvel Nemesis at all.
  5. Marvel vs DC was a horrible cash in attempt. Marvel laid out it's top dogs while facing off with the not so good contenders of DC. I'm surprised they didn't do fights like Hulk vs Mr. Mxyzptlk for christ's sake. The match ups basically made no since. And Amalgam was like having someone crap in my mouth diarrhea style. Darkclaw being the worst and most iconic. Mix Batman who refuses to kill with Wolverine who loves to kill and you get Lord Faggotron.
  6. Like the glitchy one in 3 that Bungie refuses to fix and exploit the unevenness to the public? Epic Fail
  7. Yay, more crappy games released and praised for high quality cinematics with retarded gameplay. Keep em coming. Boo
  8. The XBLA Soul Calibur has everything already unlock. So the only reason to play it is for the achievements or to play against someone else who's sitting next to you. I'm a little pissed the Summon Suffering achievement doesn't work in Practice mode.
  9. I got nothing to worry about. The only things I uploaded are either stuff I personally recorded or created.
  10. If this game gets Deathstroke then it'll turn into complete and utter awesome.
  11. And he proved that his healing factor is much better than Wolverine's and Wolverine's is natural while Deadpool's in synthetic.
  12. You mean the very first album that was Werewolf inspired?
  13. I didn't bother with Doom 3's PC version since at the time my PC was utter crap. So I played the Xbox version.
  14. That's right, I remember now. Now I'm gonna be bothered with figuring out what game I was thinking about.
  15. I got near the end but didn't get a chance to finish this game. If I remember correctly, I only hated the fact that I couldn't skip cutscenes. It's very important for me since I am a volunteer firefighter and could get a call at any minute. I may beconfusing that with another game, can't remember. I also hate saving when you don't actually save at the spot you saved at. Instead I was sent back to the beginning of the stage...again.
  16. You didn't mention anything about Deadpool. For shame Fatal, for shame.
  17. He was the same to me as Bill Hicks. Total badass of comedy.
  18. I would of preferred Trilogy over Ultimate for XBLA. I want my Trilogy Noob Saibot back.
  19. Lucky you. Georgia sucks when it comes to concerts.
  20. I want a next gen Hexen. Who ever made the originals.
  21. Haha, I would of really liked to have played SC: Ghost.
  22. That would be off the self titled album I mentioned earlier. That song was the song that got me into them. I hated how their Spit It Out was banned only because 4 pretend hitted 8 with a baseball bat yet MTV played the hell out of another bands video that was based off of The Shining as well. That and the fact they wear masks and I love masks. Now Mushroomhead really did suck. Mr. Bungle was fuking awesome. GWAR is good.
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