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Everything posted by Permethium

  1. Central South-Africa
  2. i just like the good old fashioned hero type characters. some characters are friggin good fighters but they kinda suck when it comes to looks. if i'm going to play with someone, i gotta like the way he looks.
  3. ithink i'm going to be sick...
  4. hehe, yeah like that ramon guy in kof2001
  5. Thank god my hunch was correct. The gay squad
  6. You really need to see more of his movies....Sure, most of the recent ones are crappy, but what would I care....Really, the man's poetry in motion at the best times. Yeah, his new movies with DMX and those ones with crappy rap soundtracks suck. And we can all lay off Permethium for his triple post now...one person mentioning it is enough. it wasn't all that bad. (except for the Sound track offcourse) but i like his older movies more.
  7. errr...sorry bout that i Dunno what happened. (not intentional) well anyways, once upon a time in china3 and 4 were my favourites
  8. Dunno i just don't like him. He reminds me of benimaru. eeecch
  9. Yeah. that guy moves like the wind and very gracefully aswell. Thats what years of training and living without technology does to you
  10. Lee is the pinnacle of ass-kicking monks. Sure, there were others before him, but no other has made such an impact. Not to mention he looks like Jet Li in Once Upon A Time in China. Yeah! thats why i liked him from the start. he looks EXACTLY like Jet li. -offtopic- call me crazy but i like once upon a time in china. (watched all of them )
  11. Virtua fighter 4 also has a monk in it. hes quite a treat to play with
  12. Sounds good, What about that ninja and the monk from streetfighter1. i"m sure they will be more fun to play with than some of these over-used characters in the latest releases. And why not give ryu a totally new look or something? -like gray hair and a black gi-??
  13. Def. pepper steak with extra cheese (or bbq spare rib)
  14. We've seen too much of those guys already imo. I agree. (They can keep Sagat around tho) But I'm so sick of M Bison being the end of game boss
  15. Genesis neo-geo and nes/famicom (Yes i'm that old!)
  16. I'll give TDAT a 6/10. truthfully i expected more. best end of world movies IMO are: Deep Impact and The Core.
  17. I'm sorry to say this but i'm not very fond of EA. Not that Capcom is the best company, but at least they make playable marvel comics fighters. I can see EA screwing this one up.
  18. naah, if you want to see true poetry in motion, play with K or Kyo!! Terry is a bit on the slow side (Don't get me wrong - i think he's a cool character, but def not the best out there)
  19. Are you kidding? i use to be able to pull off 17 hit combos with him in 98 and now i just get about 5-hits (if i'm lucky)
  20. yeah, joe is quite cool but kim sucks since they changed his moves and combos too much since kof98
  21. what plug-ins are you using with it?
  22. guess i'm going to have to play with ryu now (usually Ken) - alltho i'm more into neo geo over the last years.
  23. well, i'm using mozilla firebird (blocks out any popups and other weird and nasty things from happening).everything is still working o k here.
  24. Really cool! great work!!
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