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Everything posted by Permethium

  1. Ya, i had the same problem with samsho5, (as a alternative to kawaks u can try the nebulaspecial040404 emulator at http://www.dream-emulation.com ) it's hacked to run most of the new romsets. the only downside is that it's in chinese. but if you know the layout of nebula2.24 you'll get by just fine ) the only reason why i rather want to use kawaks is because of the sai X 2 rendering option - and i can't get kof2000 ,crouching tiger hidden dragon and power instinct to work with that nebula.
  2. Gens for me (tho i have some problems getting the sai x 2 to work in xp )
  3. If by some miracle they ever make a starcraft 2 ,they should definitely base it on the old style - not the way the screwed up warcraft3
  4. In actual fact i wonder what the chances are for a starcraft 2 for real.....
  5. Starcraft is my all time favourite strategy game! (I mean what a storyline!) i still play it in multiplayer mode with my friends They can just do us all a huge favour and make a sequel
  6. WOW.those omega drivers really made a helluva difference already!! (from 3700 3dmarks to 5500 - thx K'Dash ) not a big improvement for some, but it means that i can play all of the current games on 1024 x 768 32bit ,without any noticeable slowdown but i still feel that it was a waste for me to spend all of my doe on a new system just to get a 25% performance increase
  7. Ya know, i dl 4 different sets of kof2001 from different sites - i must be dl the same set all the time and thx for the hint GryphonKlaw!
  8. kewl. I'll give it a shot can i add games not listed into that asr file or can i only alter the settings for the games in there already?
  9. naah, i have v1.46 with loader. here. how do i edit those rom crc data? how can fix them so that the games show up in the loader menu? i have no experience with this ,so if anyone would pls guide me through the process i would really appreciate it
  10. Can't say that i'm new to emulation(just never went into the technical details ), but i never knew that making some roms work with winkawaks can be such a schlepp. Here's my problem: i downloaded some roms (like kof2000,kof2001, kof2002, snk vs capcom, maitrimelee, metal slug5 and crouching tiger hidden dragon) and can't even make any one of them work in winkawaks1.49 (it just doesn't show up in the list when i want to load them) now i know that it has something to do with the DAT files for winkawaks with the loaders or something. But for the life of me i just dunno how to do it. any chance that anyone will help me out??
  11. dangerous animals ,i like that! (any relation to Julius Ceaser?)
  12. AMD all the way for me amd outperforms intel in all respects except for memory transfer speeds.
  13. Alot of murder and war crimes going around lately on the global scale. The question being: What excactly is the suitable punishment for cold blooded crimes?........
  14. A great loss indeed
  15. i used power quest bootmagic7. and it says you can only install win98/me on the first partition/first hdd. otherwize it won't work. check it out if u have that application
  16. remember that windows 98 MUST be installed on your FIRST active partition for it to work right. then you must install Windowsxp on your second(logical) partition or hdd. both windows cannot be together on one partition. maybe it will mean that you will have to reformat your hdd to make provisions for two partitions
  17. thanks a mil.! i'll give them a shot!
  18. my processor is a athlonfx(barton) where can i download those drivers that you speak of? when i go into advanced propertys of the display settings (winxp) it brings up that nvidia info panel: it says my card/agp bus is set at 8x.
  19. using forceware 56 and directx9 at the mo. damn!! i should have gone for the gigabyte motherboard(nforce2 ultra) a friend of mine said it could be that my graphics card is 64bit only and that is still using sd ram. maybe that could cause a slowdown of some sort. but at the moment my machine is underperforming bigtime!! the problem is that if i take it to the local pc dealer/shop, will they be able to sort out my problem? (most of them just build office stations and such they won't have the first clue about 3d performance and so forth)
  20. I recently bought some pc components (and was i friggin excited or what) and assembled it @ home (Aopen nforce2gt Athlonxp 2600+ 2x256mb DDR400 (Dual mode) GeForceFX5200 128mb) but something seems horribly wrong to me because i keep reading in the gaming mags about benchmarks on lesser machines that score close to 9000 3Dmarks (3dmark 2001) mine just scores about 3700 (1024x768 32bit no AA no anisotropic filtering) mind boggling. what do you think? i tried everything that i know.
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