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  1. hi there someone brought this thread to my attention. Unfortunately i dont have Xbox1 + SDK anymore so i cant personally make an changes. Theres no way around this other than to modify the code. The fix should be made in the libSDLx graphics code..specifically in SDL_xboxvideo.c inside the XBOX_RenderSurface and XBOX_UpdateRecs functions is where the change for 4:3 ratio should be made hope this helps thanks!
  2. looks like i wont be needing that xb1. Nice work as always
  3. =\ someone needs to send me an xbox 1 + xdk
  4. sounds like memory issue to me, thats what id check out first
  5. like i mentioned about i dont have an XB1 + XDK anymore so i cant do this personally. However i found it that it was pretty easy to intergrate the neocd UI elements into my code. i based most of it from the windows code in burner\win32\neocdlist.cpp and neocdsel.cpp From a highlevel code standpoint do the following: - add a new filter for NeoGeo CD - in the rom browser if the filter selected = neogeo cd, then scan for neocd isos based on the path defined in szNeoCDGamesDir. The scanning function is NeoCDList_ScanDir() in neocdsel.cpp. That will populate the GAMELIST structure. - display the neocd list based off the GAMELIST structure that was generated. - when an iso is selected (say the first one on the list..ie index = 0), the following code will launch a the neocd emulation _tcscpy(CDEmuImage, ngcd_list[nIndex].szPath); BurnerLoadDriver(_T("neocdz")) thats pretty much all you need to do. Theres more with regards to loading .cue files but that would certainly get you up and running pretty quick. Hopefully this helps someone out
  6. hi there, Someone linked me to this forum. Thanks for your interest in this unfortunately i don't actually own an Xbox 1 + XDK any longer so i really cant help with this :\ as far as multi-slot loading on a 128mb xbox goes..it might be possible but let me put it into perspective for you. Even on a 512Mb Xbox 360 loading 6 of the larger NeoGeo roms will use up all available memory.
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