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Everything posted by Sultan

  1. X-Ecutioners - Revolutions
  2. lol that sounds like something out of a stand-up comedy routine
  3. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8209
  4. Dude that is freaking hilarious. I love that. But are you pissed off about that or is that just random?
  5. Your class is easy? Why does that piss you off? usually that's a good thing. I'm pissed off at how my fiance got passed up for a promotion, even though she runs her office and no one there can survive without her. Its purely because she's a woman and doesn't go drinking and whoring with the guys on business trips. Oh and my boss has recently yelled at me twice for minor mistakes I've made, when she's making the exact same sort of mistakes in her work. I guess I am just pissed off at all the corporate bullshit you have to put up with at entry level
  6. I'm interested in rom translation, but not this one
  7. Cleveland (I hope you all get that association!)
  8. Good to see someone else here following the NBA free agency! I think its hilarious what is going on with LAL. Think back to the beginning of last year, when everyone was calling them the new Dream Team. Gotta love how it ended up. Well, as long as you're not from LA I would have expected Bryant to go to the Clippers, but now that Shaq has been traded, LA would be better. Sticking with Odom & Payton would be better for him since Clippers would have to lose Q if they sign Kobe. As for the other teams, I'm a little sad that my team (Indiana) didn't get the big trade they wanted (McGrady for anyone but O'Neal & Artest). But our trade for Stephen Jackson might end up good for us. I think the biggest winner so far is Houston. Yao & McGrady is the new Shaq & Kobe Well, at least they're the big winner until we find out Kobe's fate.
  9. ghandi lol @ Disoblige replying to himself
  10. had to google some of that just to find out what it meant Us old people, we're not up on the newest lingo
  11. Eyedea & Abilities - Star Destroyer
  12. FYI that torrent link for Fahrenheit 911 is just the cam upsized to a dvd with a homemade menu. very crappy!
  13. Boa - Duvet (aka Serial Experiments Lain theme song)
  14. Etro Anime - Diablo
  15. lots and lots and lots of wedding music. yay for wedding planning!
  16. I love how the girl with the highest score is wearing a shirt that says "Talk nerdy to me". LOL
  17. I found the site right when chankast was released. I was frustrated over how lame dcemu.co.uk was and did lots of google searching for dreamcast related stuff until I found this site.
  18. Al Franken - Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (audio book)
  19. Zero 7 - When it falls
  20. there are now two pad configuration options. In the dropdown is the "XXX" version and Elsemi's plugin version. You want Elsemi's, that is the one with the pic of the controller.
  21. nope, echelon trainers and intros still lock up chankast. I actually don't see any compatability improvments in 0.25 over 0.2. In fact its maybe a little less compatible, as I seem to be having more lockups in fullscreen than I have in normal mode.
  22. ya I saw the fix, but I've been putting it off hoping that the next chankast version would just fix the problem for me. Everytime I do anything like the echelon selfboot thing I end up with IO errors, and using daemon tools doesn't fix them
  23. hmm still no way to load files, so I guess we can't get try naomi cart games yet. and still no fix on echelon intro/trainers. oh well. full screen and rumble is much appreciated
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