I'll be using a Wii aswell which, sadly, lacks digital audio out. As does the Saturn and N64 so another solution is required anyway. USD111 equivalent for the iScan HD+. The SLG 3000 with case is USD equivalent 78 so USD189 total. Shipping is a bitch to Singapore (USD 60 for the iScan HD+). Limited inpus. One component. One s-video. I know I can hook up switches, but for that price why should I need to. Dreamcast via VGA without transcoder is also preferable. Scanlines on the FM Never looked right to me. Much prefer the SLG3000. I would use a transcoder but I need to hook up two component devices and can't be assed adding switch boxes / getting up to change the cables. S-Video with scanlines is fine in my eyes. I never saw much difference when using N64 and Saturn.