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Everything posted by Bobdrakke

  1. I know Inky but its still linux, the ver I had boots to a dos environment then loads mugen you have to power off/on to get back to xbox dash and apps.
  2. How is it possible to play to play without linux on xbox the swap drive is needed due to mem constraints.
  3. Thanks for the update and efforts in updating fbaxxx
  4. So the Jap ver did come out early after all, I played the game they reduced damaged taken by hits on most characters especially boss characters. they are quite few variations of chracters Geese, blumary, Yamazaki, seem to be the new in this ver. I havent quite got figure out how to use irochi Leona/Iori is it by challenge mode to unlock as select/start dont work when choosing characters BlackKnight what ver hdl are you using I get the same problem but its usually 5 to 6 games in. I'm still using 8b mode3 for this game.
  5. Its a cat and mouse game, right now N is in the lead but if people use the phyiscal modchip hardmod can they still aceess this since its not softmoded?
  6. I was thinking of trying msx/msx2 emu can anyone recommend good games
  7. Playing City Hunter on PC-Engine emu, Asura Blade Coin Ops
  8. Totally agree
  9. L.S.D get hang of the counters to make life easier early on.
  10. Haven't watched the finale yet but I heard there is
  11. I would like to Saturn if a exploit comes around to use full capabilities this is would be good.
  12. Haven't watched Scrubs for awhile but thought it was good at the time, House is good but I laugh when hearing Hugh Laurie in US accent.
  13. Thanks for efforts BP will check this out asap.
  14. Congrats you feel a sense of achievement knowing what the games puts through so much frustration. How well does MKT emulate on surreall64x? I've been playing the red star still have got the 3rd character available on mission 9. Got to play Beyond good and evil, SidMier Pirates, playing NFS games in reverse completed Carbon now playing most wanted Black. Want to play Syberia 1 and 2 and Dungeons and Dragons hack slash when in stock at my local retro store. Emu wise Mario Kart64 still a joy to play and hacked SF2 and KOF.
  15. Lupe Fiasco-The Cool-Dumb it Down
  16. Nice review Movento, this is the one game and xbmc that made me get an Xbox. I'm still yet to finish the game on hard or complete mission mode I'm about 3 rows from Eternal Legend missions. I've only played the black ver but heard changes were made since the original with hurricane packs etc to make it harder as his trademark air slash made it too easy against bosses which was rectified as hit only connects 2/10 imo. The only flaw with this game at times is the camera view, the frustration with multiple lackies cat mutants when fighting a boss can make you destroy a few control pads. Sigma improved this a bit more, I found this ver easier especially with the auto aim for bows which is a big help when doing the tower mission in game or mission mode.
  17. Ps3 seems to be competing more as before it was being outmatched in every department execept HD movie playing and reliability. If the 360 didn't have this problem it wouldn't be a perception of ps3 gaining. PS3 only interests me more than 360 is hombrew wise with Linux and the possibility when xbmc linux is mature and the advantage of comp/media centre with HD/and emus would be the swaying factor. Its al pie in sky but the potential is there. until Ninja Gaiden isnt exclusive the only system I want is 360 but biding my time atm.
  18. Thanks again BP, Hellfury and anyone else involved
  19. According to Gamefaqs Jap ver will be out 26 of june its the US ver that is pushed back to xmas 08. So I don't know if Gamefaqs is misinfo or they gonna release two ver in Jap with and without balance issues.
  20. You should try http://www.console-exploits.com
  21. If your isp has one and they are reliable enough you could use that. Gmail was a buzz when it first came out. Since most give at least 1gb and 10mb per attachment. Hotmail isn't that great they use to opt in customers to share email addy with third parties if you didn't check all the settings. I heard in the States that private or Gmail email adresses are taken more seriously than the yahoo/hotmail etc
  22. Still trying to complete jojos bizzare adventure on psx. DC ver is too easy as its just an arcade port with out the full story.
  23. Thanks BP and eveyone else involved in get this distributed. Is it me or is there setting to change p1 controls on 6 button games like Alpha3 and Turbo, as only 3 buttons appear to be in the config while p2 has all 6 buttons that can be changed in the config. Has anyone noticed this or know how to change it?
  24. Well maybe via pcxs you can play Tekken. I want to see DC/Saturn emulated before everyone says it can't be done just look at the PC what are you gonna get out of a Xbox. Awhile back two devs at xbox scene got a DC emu working that played limited selection of Saturn games. They pulled the project for their own reasons but I was hoping they would release source to other devs if they decided not to pursue this project again.
  25. Thanks for the update didn't Hellfury say to pm for info
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