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Everything posted by Bobdrakke

  1. Does anyone know of any other places as boxtorrenets is private and reached capacity. Didn't they release the last part first as ova1 and 2nd ova is the beginning. Since we are talking Anime here Heartofmadness have completed subbing Hokuto no Ken 1 (1-109) trackers down so go to site for link to dattorents. They also Working on Raoh Gaiden and Souten no Ken Fist othe blue sky(predessor of hnk)
  2. Jurassic 5 Whats golden
  3. FF7, SMB1 & 3, KOF 94, 96 Big, Max Payne 2 too many to remember atm
  4. I was going to play it on my DC Alright, Ghosty. I'll try it Don't worry LSD ike everyone else have said it will burn okay most of the extra meg is flavour/burn instructions of image. Like IQ said enable Overburn in the app your using, I generally use Alcohol no probs. From my exp there only two games which you truly need a 90 min cd one is D2 the other can't remember. You can use Nero CD-dvd speed to do overburn simulation tests with media to find which media overburns best you can find guides at cdfreaks forum
  5. I agree with Madman and Robert its all too coincidal things happening and the issue of alert and talk of giving up civil liberites to fight terroism. The next day alledgely plot to blow up planes with liquid. When IRA were in action where all these speaches and alerts. I know IRA are on the level of some of the attrocities that have been done by Al queda or copycats of them. Until there is no percived oppression of Moslems in the world then multitude of terror acts would die down but we all know thats never gonna happen. Just look at Israel and (insert border Arab country) there will always be turmoil. Terroism will never go but if the UN can help by giving a state for the Palestines it may be a step in the right direction.
  6. Yeah thats all good in all but untill more movies are in HD format as the norm, then it will be worth it imo. As for storage thats good but with HDD going down in price and eventually dual layer DvDs it still good enough for me.
  7. yeah Intel have the ball back in their court again only thing AMD is doing is drop prices to try and keep things competive in price only for now.
  8. Thast True Agozer but NIN bought Rare and then sold it to MS. So I doubt they would give up rights to KI, Goldeneye etc in the deal. Thats why we never saw a KI for X-box. As for the emulation its very good idea but yet to see the business model is it gonna be renting games on the HDD like some cell phones do and charge you each time you play or online like Xlive Arcade. off topic: I been away for a while nice revamp GameCop and whoever else invloved
  9. I saw this at Slyck check it out link to slyck http://slyck.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23076 link to (Section 115 Reform Act of 2006 (SIRA) http://ipaction.org/blog/2006/06/worst-bil...r-heard-of.html Talk about draconian laws and milking the system if this bill ever goes through. defining quote "SIRA fundamentally redefines copyright and fair use in the digital world. It would require all incidental copies of music to be licensed separately from the originating copy. Even copies of songs that are cached in your computer's memory or buffered over a network would need yet another license. Once again, Big Copyright is looking for a way to double-dip into your wallet, extracting payment for the same content at multiple levels."
  10. Yeah I heard about it I thought it was just a facelift for xp users to vista colours and design layouts.
  12. Thanks the info Grey I was thinking about mucking around with Linux I'll give Unbuntu ago, I also hear good things from Linspire and Fedorra are they newb friendly.
  13. As for no more Xmen films its all about money. With the Wolverine and Magneto storylines there will be need of flashbacks and X-characters to be around so its not all bad.
  14. I saw this article in Wired which just shows the many ways of tring to control consumers http://www.wired.com/news/columns/1,70802-0.html As this is known to many but the people still learning about comps and could be family members who aren't as experienced with the internet trash spyware/malware etc. and I saw another article link on Slyck regarding pvr and commercials Someone Has to Pay for TV. But Who? And How? quote "This thought followed my first reading of a patent application for a new kind of television set and digital video recorder recently filed by a unit of Royal Philips Electronics at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The design appears to threaten the inalienable right to channel-surf during commercials or fast-forward through ads in programs you've taped. A second, calmer reading of the patent application revealed that the proposed design would uphold the right to avoid commercials, but only for those who paid a fee. Those disinclined to pay would be prevented from changing channels during commercials. If the viewer tried to circumvent the system by recording the program and skipping the ads during playback, the new, improved recorder would detect when a commercial segment was being displayed and disable the fast-forward button for the duration."
  15. As you can tell I was rushing and made a lot typos but you seen the film and know what I'm talking about. The film progression speed from deciding to go sh and eventually anything happening actionwise.
  16. AXL I know he appears for Dong win pose but when you use the other brother and beat freeman "he avenges his father death" As with Geese they could easily change it when they want to. You see him fall not actually die so its open to changes as they can always change the sequence of what we thought happened.
  17. there is FOTNS site doing subs of raws I pretty sure that manga/streamline license rights are up but not 100% if I get an okay I'll post the site or just google it.
  18. tbh I don't understand of how the usb got broken but if it works with mouse and joypad maybe its power thing for usb drive? You say you can't access the space properties but can you see the drive in my comp or something similiar? Can you add/remove files? have you tried the drive in different comp/laptop to make sure its definitley the usb slot thats giving problems
  19. I've used peak drives 1GB 512 and 256MB with no problem but each to their own
  20. Haven't played KofXI not around where I live atm how did Geese get to live via orochi power which he wanted in 96 or just brought to life by somone (e.g rugal/orochi) like Saiyshu. Also what about Kim he is dead in MOTW don't who killed him but he's no more. is there any relation story wise with ash powers and orochi seal from 2k3.
  21. K'dash I disagree with the beginning the sudden urge just to grt in the car to find SH (I know she dreams and bouts of suicide) just the way they did it to get there and slow down again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  22. To me 99 and 2k3 are the worst kofs 2k1 the amount link supers keep you busy but it not the best ver.
  23. I use Acronis out of preference. But if you hd is busted these programs are less likely to work you will probably need hd recovery prog like easy recovery or stellar star pheonix.
  24. For me better emulation of Saturn, DC and N64 and emulation of Hyperneogeo (don't know the hardware), Naomi and Atomisware.
  25. or imgburn
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