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Everything posted by Bimma

  1. The final 1ST_READ.BIN should be in the main fastboot folder, and the IP.BIN should be in the fastboot\data folder. So for example in my pc it would look like this: 1ST_READ.BIN - in d:\fastboot\ folder IP.BIN - in d:\fastboot\data\ folder I tried this method with soul caliber and it won't boot either . There is another method to turn a Soul Caliber cd image into a self-boot image and that is using the self-boot hack by Echelon 2000. Use that one. Did you say Soul Calibur 2 ??!! Thanks for the answer. I meant SC 1. And the echelon method, that´s the method i work best with. The only problem with it is, that i have to burn it "really", and can´t work with virtual drives, or other HD-Stuff.
  2. Do i have to do somethin with this bins? Copy to the Datafile or somewhat? Tested both, with and without these bin files, Soul Calibur2 won´t boot. Every Games, that iw start selfbooting with the bin2boot tool, isn´t selfbotting on Chankast. And is the Hex Editing correct? Everytime, and with every game, deleting the same range of data?
  3. **** it was the burner. I tested it now with my old Aopen CD Burner, no probs, it works. It is NOT working with my new LG-4082 DVD Burner. So everytime i wanna burn DC in the future i have to open my pc and take my dvd out, and switch it with my old CD- Burner. flock on the Manufacturer. The LG is a superb DVDer, but a crappy CDRer.
  4. It´s just unbelievable. I burn since 2000. First Game was Crazy Taxi. Then came the dummyway, after that the selfbooting tuts. I´ve done everything since 2000. I made my own bats for selfbooting, i exchanged gamegrafix, but now i stand here with the unburnable ikaruga. I burned since 2000 with different cdrs, and verbatims were the best, beside memorex. yesterday i tested ikaruga-burning, and i burned via alcohol/nero/discjuggler. Now with 4x Speed. Another 6 CDrs are for the bin.I burned DAO/TAO, Alco with RAW DAO. Nothing, it´s only playable on my PC, not on the DC. Because i now have no CDRs left, i can´t try to make it myself bootable. My DC is from before Dec 2000, and i think that it has a prob with the 2 Audiotracks, witch are for booting (my other slbs just have one audiotrack). And with bin2boot, it´s also nonbooting, don´t know why, because it´s data (600MB)/Data(600KB)?. How far do i come? I put the CD in the DC. The DREAMCAST Logo comes, and the blue dot creates the blue spirale on the screen. then it loads and loads, nothing happens on the screen. After about 2 minutes, the screen changes to the Menu with the 4 icons (Game/Setting/Profile/Memcard), and when i click the game, it says "No game disc". ps. i found another empty cdr, after i looked again in alcohol. I remember, that i DIDN´T try the RAW/DAO in Alcohol. I write it now at 4x, and will tell if it´ll work. Ps2: DON´T WORK, HOLY crap!
  5. So, i put the burned cds in my pc to test it with chanka. They work. But they don´t work on my dc. So, there are 2 mistakes, i could have made. Dreamcast can´t read the verbatims. Or i burned to fast (but this couldn´t be, because the other games, i burned at 24x, and they are working with no probs.) I test it another time, with 2x.
  6. Hi. RAW/DAO. I think that i tested everything. I heard that the availbale cdis are corrupted in the way, that they don´t have the correct cdi settings inside. Therefore some users say, that you have to burn with setttings x or y. Nothing works. At the moment, i´m loading "Border Down and Ikaruga" in one imagefile. If this doesn´t work, i´don´t know. Ps. Excuse my english, -> german user.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. But, i loaded everything possible. 3 different version from e*ule, and the last that i found here, the posted version from SSJKullilin http://perso.wanadoo.fr/shadowroom/Ikaruga...DI.Bootable.rar, it was working with chankast on my pc. It´s getting booting without probs, i can play the whole game, but if a want to burn it, i get nothing work to on my DC. And i have many different other games working as selfbootable on my DC, the only Game that isn´t going to start is ikaruga.
  8. Hi there. i Managed to get the game work on my pc. But i wanna burn this wannado/ikaruga game on CD for playing it on my DC. How to burn? I used Padus 4.1 with several different settings, i used Nero 6 via cdi2nero, and also i tried Alcohol. Nothing works. Now almost 10 CDrs are for the trashbin.
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