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Everything posted by Daeval

  1. Depends on which Robert, but Butt alone scares me.
  2. Dude, BB2 is practically has the most hardest counter/blocking system ever. Which made it unique. Unique, yes, but I didn't think it made the game any more fun than the original, which was already pretty unique. The hideous characters didn't help it much either. Does Destrega count as a fighting game? Did anyone ever play that? I thought it was goofy fun.
  3. Evil bump or what? Since I'm here, I'll put in my two (ok, four or five) cents: Nostalgia: SNES SF2. A friend got it for christmas or a birthday or something and a fighter addict was born. I'm pretty sure I played it way more than he did. New Challengers was decent but I didn't spend a ton of time with it. SSF2T arcade may have won for nostalgia if it weren't for Akuma. Let's take our most well-rounded fighter, if not our strongest, make a STRONGER version of him and call him evil, because evil is cool. Furthermore, let's put our established and comparably original villian on the sidelines and give this guy the spotlight. Two awards here: Most Obvious Fanboy-Service & Worst Character Concept Ever. Having never spent time with any of the SF3s, Alpha 2 wins for the recent stuff. I absolutely hated Alpha 3's "ism" system, and the new character designs were terrible (Cody was ok but his moveset sucked). Alpha 2 was pretty "roots" and had a good lineup. My only problem with the Alpha series as a whole was the development of Stay-Puff Bison. I've avoided the SF3s primarily because 90% of the new characters look awful. I'm going to nab it when it comes out with the anniversary collection and I'll give it a shot based on the reviews here.
  4. OOOooh, I forgot about Bushido Blade! This game was the reason I bought my PS1, and rocked like no other. Bushido Blade 2, however, was terrible.
  5. In the DoomConfig.cfg change seta g_muzzleFlash "0" to seta g_muzzleFlash "1" As much as this problem has irritated me, I think this constitutes psychological advice at this point. Thank you! Advide to new Doom 3 players: TURN THIS ON!
  6. Bah, I swear I had a 50/50 chance there!
  7. My Picks: Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution Capcom Vs. SNK 2 (PS2 Version, therefore non-EO) Runners Up: King of Fighters 2002 Fighting Vipers Garou: Mark of the Wolves Honorable Mention: Primal Rage (Arcade Version Only) Just for having the guts to stray a little from the existing formulas, and at a time when Killer Instinct (the end-result of the popular ridiculous-combo formula) was huge in arcades. It was a darn good game too.
  8. I did my homework and found out this should be the right link, but is it not working for anyone else?
  9. Looks like I didn't have to do much "rounding up" this time. As predicted, my "vote" stays the same. Leave a warning in their profile or one of their buddy-list categories or something. If you're feeling particularly fiesty, make it slightly embarrasing. But don't go deleting the whole miserable thing, that does only harm. Well, it might stroke your ego, but it certainly doesn't do any other good. As someone else pointed out, it's a lot quicker to just click "sign off" than to go through the hassle of deleting an entire list, since it's your time you're accusing them of wasting.
  10. EGCG NRx sometimes closes if you try to import while there are old-format roms in your rom directories. Does Agozer's fix clear this up also?!
  11. Hmm.. I'll have to check that out. Hiding in a dark corner with a backpack full of grenades would be interesting. If the maps are anything like the single player game, this will probably amount to "camping" to deathmatch fans and therefore might get you kicked off a server. I always thought this was a weak argument for enforcing a certain play style, but I did find myself extremely annoyed at the zombies that "camp" in the single player game. What's worse, there's no muzzle flash, so you can't see them even when they're pumping shell after shell into your sorry hide. Also, anyone who's played the single player game will know to check and learn every single nook or cranny that is so much as dimly lit. Edit: Jeebus you people are fast.. three replies between "reply" and "submit!"
  12. Haha, I almost started with Ultra Violence, as that's what I used to play Doom 1/2 on, but opted for Marine instead. I just got to the Revenants and so far I'm averaging full health and armor, so I may play it through a second time on UV or Nightmare.
  13. If any of the halls were wide enough for more than one person, Doom 3 Co-Op would be the best darn co-op experience since.. well.. Doom 2.. Hehehe... Other than that, multiplayer is up to modders. Quick side note: Did anyone else feel this game has a tendency to go for "cheap hits?" Like the imps waiting in pounce-mode just inside doors, etc? They don't exactly do a lot of damage, so they're not a real big deal, but it feels like they get more free hits in than most.
  14. Can you describe more to us how it played please? Plays like 2k2 execpt with 8way. I have to disagree... 2K2 is one of my favorites in the series specifically because I like the way the timing feels. 2K2 feels almost street-fighter-ey in terms of looseness, compared to some of the other KOFs, and MI was not like that. That's not to say it's inherently worse, it's just different. The jumping in particular felt faster, like a 3D fighter, than the loose and airy jumps 2D fans are used to. Someone pointed out that the version at E3 was only like 70% done, and it did say that. Regardless, it looked really good and played like a finished game, albiet with missing characters. It was fun, and I plan to pick it up when it hits the states. However, I'm pretty comfortable saying that you shouldn't expect it to play exactly like another KOF but with 3D graphics. I could be wrong, but that was not my initial impression.
  15. Yeah, if you're using Windows, which is highly likely, try MAME32 instead. I think the link is: http://www.classicgaming.com/MAME32QA/ No command prompt necessary!
  16. I could be wrong, but it's probably not designed to take advantage of dual processors, so you're essentially running it on a P3 1GHz with a low-end video card and a dumptruck full of RAM.
  17. I played this game at E3 and it was so-so from my brief experience. Somehow, it lost the "rythm" of KOF combat in the transition to 3D. It felt "stiff" like many of the early 3D fighters from other companies. It might stand on its own legs once I get used to the new flow of things, assuming there is one. I'll probably play it either way.
  18. Yeah, if he had problems on a beast like that, he is probably running year-old drivers or he has a system-tray that's twice his screen long with running adware programs. I'm running a system much like yours, except I think my graphics card is a little older - P4 2.8C, 512MB RAM, GeForce4 Ti4600. The game runs perfectly fine on my system in 1024x resolution and medium detail. All the advanced graphics features are turned on, and I can even do 1x anti-ailiasing without noticeable slowdown. I could probably go further without much hassle but frankly, I'm more than satisfied with the way it looks as it is. All this without any special tweaking. I just made sure I had the latest drivers and I keep my system tray at the bare minimum (virus prog(s), instant messenger, mabye a download prog).
  19. I knew someone who worked at an office where parts of lunches would regularly dissapear out of the office refridgerator. It stopped the day that the old lady in the office sent out an email warning whoever stole her half-finished water bottle about the hormones and medication that were in it. And yeah, that sucks about the wipers. It's usually custom rims or the whole car where I'm at. Oh yeah, and RainX is good stuff too.
  20. No need to feel sorry about it. Just because a decision's popular doesn't make it the right choice. That's the point of all this....it's amusing and is good practices for excercising our democratic ideal of popular sovereignty and majority consensus. When the next poll appears, you can rally together "non-delete" supporters and lobby against your opponents.....just like in Washington!!! Did you know the deletists once collectively punched a baby? Expect a Michael Moore "documentary" on the Deletists in October. I like Gryph's idea.
  21. Yeah, what everyone else said about pointless polls and fanboys. They should get some really awesome sprite artists and coders together and go crazy with MUGEN or something to determine the real winners. Mwahahhaa. Actually, I've had zero luck with MUGEN, all the characters I've ever nabbed were poorly (if at all) thought out. But you get the idea.
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