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solidius23 last won the day on September 30 2017

solidius23 had the most liked content!

About solidius23

  • Birthday 02/27/1978

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  1. Nice to see the ol hangout still going.
  2. Two chicks one guy is the only type of 3 way, two dudes and a chick is a train.
  3. Saints Row 4 Splinter Cell Blacklist Lost Planet 3
  4. Alpha , How in the fuck are you still single?
  5. you are a retard, ya cunt!
  6. Still better than the Amazing Spiderman game though
  7. I get around 20 or so but thats not why im on facebook.
  8. 32 in monitor single setup
  9. I am determined to make some yorkshire pudding
  10. first off all of nicholas sparks movies are complete shit, and why would I ever subject my self to such shitty movies?
  11. Will did that ex take your balls too since you watched the notebook lol
  12. I dont care for fish but when ever there is fish and chip available I jump at it , if done proper its so good
  13. ems can you make a proper yorkshire pudding
  14. there is no "one" there are usually many till you find someone you can tolerate for a longer period of time
  15. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't even have sex with her if it was for free... let alone pay a penny. Guess my tastes are different whats your beef with her lol
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