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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. www.emux.com ton of arcade roms loved it its down now though
  2. ill be there let me know when im me when u r ready
  3. same here comics and ads is the only things i need
  4. some quick results that i for got to metion yesterday i spanked gamecop good in wrestlemania the arcade game lol also me and diso played a game of marvel vs capcom which since it was laggy i will call it a tie. but he like kicked my a@# royally earlier in xmen vs street fighter!!!!
  5. im goona go with regular,even though i like dip cones too!!!
  6. with all the recent topics of serious topics liek the end of the world and war stuff we need some light stuff around here. so im starting a thread so u can post those funny stories that happened to u that u will always remember. one of my all time faves was from college when me and my friends went out, and since i didnt drink, i was the designated driver. well all my friends got totally wasted and since we decided to go out of town. i stopped at every gas station be the bar and our house and made them pay for gas at each stop! i think i made like 320 dollars that night and they were none the wiser except the next day they wondered why they were all broke and why i bought breakfast lol. thats how i paid for my second PS1 lol. oh ps remember kids no drinking till u r 21 and always have a designated driver
  7. as a computer tech it shames me to ask this but does anyone have an easy way to install linux as a dual boot sectort i tried partition magic but no luck.
  8. who has played it and what do u think of it? i got the p2 version and i love it awesome graphics and very goodgameplay.
  9. u could also stop the countdown by going to start then run then type in cmd, then type shutdown -a this will stop the shut down then press ctrl alt delete and shut down the MSblast.exe. then u can go to norton.com and get the W32 blaster tool to take it out.
  10. why cant we play on mame!!!!!???????
  11. i want a rematch GC stupid machine DQ me lol i was about to put him away with a DDT.
  12. why not have both like me lol
  13. hey guys we need some new ideas for the forum to make things exciting again if u have any ides post them here any ideas will be taken under consideration.
  14. soul calibur2, madden 2004,max payne 2, star wars jedi knight acadamy, wwe smackdown here comes the pain,and many more.
  15. he would be an awesome govenor but he cant cant be pres cuz he wasnt born in the us
  16. i stole it from SOLIDUS on MGS2 but i added and I to make it a little diff hence SOLIDIUS.
  17. tea pot is the answer to the main question
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