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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. nintendo has the rep of keeping the squeaky clean image,they let a lot of shit slide on the nes but on the snes they gave publishers hell for trying to release anything too edgy. and now adays they are really all about the casual mom and kid gamers of course they toss the fanboys a few bones every now and then, but the hardcore old school nintendo fans really dont have a say in what nintendo does now adays. as long as their two gimicky systems keep spitting out money for them they will continue on this path for a while .
  2. u know what cinder i have owned a wii for yrs and never saw it that way , man that is fucked up and considering i think the wii is sucky makes it worse on my end.
  3. thanks for mentioning the punisher im going back to watch it again seeing a guy pakour into a rocket is priceless
  4. im so sick of the whole 3d thing, it was a passing fad in the 50's and i hope it will fade just as fast here in the present. i saw avatar and it was just meh to me. on a side rant that avatar movie date cost me almost 60 bux if you are going to see 3d movies or imax they should throw in popcorn and drink for free, its bullshit to pay the price of a good game to see a average movie.
  5. ems u deserve this night out. dont let some crazy ex ruin it for you. just take will's advice and it should all work out.
  6. she is great offensively, but she soaks up damage like a sponge
  7. i may as well say ditto i just went thru ssfiv with the additional characters and as much as i like additions it didnt really do it for me , dead to rights is stupid to me the combat and the camera just dont agree most of the time. the gunplay is horrible. i didnt even bother with gta epidsodes since i played it on xbox already
  8. its way to slow paced for my taste but rpg fans seem to enjoy it
  9. im looking fwd to this one just like most people, if its even half as good as red dead revolver was/is i will be pleased. i may even have to buy the ps3 version just to get the multiplayer experience.
  10. ems u do relize the play mechanics are diff in sf4 than they were in sf2
  11. skeet skeet skeet skeet
  12. Ipod all the way i have really had just about every brand of mp3 player and the ipod was the easiest and best interface to work with. i mean in my closet right now i have a zune classic, a zune nano, an archos, an iriver and a sansa my first was a creative zen so yeah i have ran the mp3/pmp gambit
  13. as i went to boot up ssf4 my 360 red ringed fml
  14. super street fighter 4 and no im not joking lol
  15. dude street fighter doesnt come out till the 27th
  16. i get fed up with the preorder stuff too mainly because where i live there is no need for it all the new stuff is plentifully available day one when a game comes out.
  17. things like this is why i cant consider my self a hardcore gamer i guess i play a game beat it then move on, i just cant harp on the same game forever.
  18. cinder wtf man lol and johnny cash FTW lol u wont hear many black guys say that shit lol
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