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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. lol we got a hood here called Rock Island that barley has rocks and is no where near an island lol
  2. def a neighborhood i wouldnt be in after dark
  3. yeah i hate that epic is on microsofts nut sack i would love for this game to be multiplatform.
  4. higher education is the gate way but its still all about who u know or sometimes in the states what color your skin is or if u got tits or not lol
  5. yes ems the full version lol i didnt even play the demo for it
  6. i challenged myself to play splinter cell conviction i was pleasently surprised
  7. its grey cuz its gears of war thats the primary color lol
  8. nice female soldiers and a double barrel shotgun win win in my book
  9. punching that eagle was pretty pimp too lol
  10. start over unless u know someone who can hack and get your shit back cuz the said sites wont help u at all
  11. gran torino clint eastwood is the perfect salty old man
  12. just cause 2 got boring for me after i beat it on 360 then i got it on pc to play with unlimited ammo and such.
  13. splinter cell conviction its ok thats all i can say for now only have played it about 45 mins
  14. lol can we turn the web cam on when we do it lol that was just wrong on both our parts lol
  15. Yahoo? I think MSN is actually better than all of them. you should be superkicked in the jaw for saying that lol
  16. i live in arkansas so i guess the whole state cept little rock is the boonies lol
  17. lol my neck of the woods isnt available on street view fucker
  18. who still uses AIM get yahoo for crying out loud
  19. yeah it was ALMOST a shame doakes got killed,he was a crazy bastard
  20. Well I know we are behind where we are supposed to be. As I said, many areas were supposed to have fiber optic early 21st century. Its just like gas I suppose. Well im looking forward to my 25/25. I couldnt imagine 1 gig. We dont even have computers here that accept that fast-ah info coming in do we? Wow... everything could stream seamlessly... no artifacting. My netflix looses its HD sometimes when I stream at my current connection. It'll be HD... then the signal decreases and it has to re-buffer... then its all sloppy. 1 Gb a second... thats retarded. lol dont you have gigabit internet ports on your puter i got two of em on mine
  21. when at the heart dont use the bow just mainly dodge and attack the heart when it starts glowing he will go for the heart and thats your change to kick his as for a few just rinse and repeat with that
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