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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. super smash bros brawl god i hate that game. mario kart wii ok game
  2. pretty good demo just not crazy about all the QTE stuff its abit over kill
  3. i like ed norton i think he would be a good fit but after some research we do have a few action stars in this crop of actors but bale is doing a decent job no need to rock that boat yet.
  4. thats the thing about the current crop of actors we dont have many i feel that are just the definative action star. bale does a decent job as batman, but i see him more as a good bruce wayne not the batman part.
  5. well since we are on the subject of bruce wayne in the dark knight series who would u guys pick as a replacement to bale?
  6. buy reg edition if u are like me u buy the CE and never touch anything besides the game after the first time u open it. i bout gta iv ce and everything but the game is in storage.
  7. my best friends girl ok comedy the family that preys ok drama trading places one of the all time great comedies
  8. i think i posted i love tekken namco just got lazy on this one
  9. just like tekken 5 with a few new characters now i really dont feel bad about the 360 getting it. but by then i will have orders my preflashed 360 so i wont be paying for it or i will be backing up my copy of it.
  10. it looks good from the grainy gameplay but it also looks like more of tekken 5 with very lil innovation added. this is sad cuz i love tekken.
  11. it looks good to me and since the villians in the dark knight series are taking the darker villian roles i cant wait to see how he portrays the joker.
  12. My Zune 30 is frozen. What should I do? Follow these steps: 1. Disconnect your Zune from USB and AC power sources. 2. Because the player is frozen, its battery will drain—this is good. Wait until the battery is empty and the screen goes black. If the battery was fully charged, this might take a couple of hours. 3. Wait until after noon GMT on January 1, 2009 (that's 7 a.m. Eastern or 4 a.m. Pacific time). 4. Connect your Zune to either a USB port on the back or your computer or to AC power using the Zune AC Adapter and let it charge. Once the battery has sufficient power, the player should start normally. No other action is required—you can go back to using your Zune! talk about a cross your fingers fix
  13. even though we are not a site to find such items what u say in a pm is perfectly ok.
  14. well i own like 6 diff mp3 players but still this is messed up, i wonder how they are gonna fix this one. i see a lot of returns in microsofts future.
  15. WTF microsoft??? i just so happen to have a 30g zune and saw when the thing just reset it self last night, fist the 360 with the RROD and now zunes bricking themselves. Man microsoft is frucking up.
  16. i just bought my wife and kids a crapton of stuff i got gears 2.
  17. i saw 7 lbs and ghost town both pretty good movies. and i really need to watch major payne i forgot how funny it was.
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