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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. so wat are u gonna do just sit there afraid of your upgraded computer forever not doing anything on it isnt gonna fix the probs.
  2. she hit every branch of the ugly and drunk tree. this is why u dont go to bars at night.
  3. congrats i know it was hard for you lol.
  4. been busy with work, kids and the wife.
  5. i'm with inky on that one, nothing eventful on my end i had to work.
  6. if i can help it i usually dont update, but i let my friend borrow my wii and he updated the damn thing i was a lil pissed.
  7. i think they will survive, they just need a few new good ips. tna was an ok game it just badly needed a grappling system not that arcade button mash thing they did with it.
  8. snow nah prolly wont get any in these parts.
  9. dead space is a fun game just played it for a few mins but it was very good EA did a good job.
  10. Please let this be true!!!!!!! i dont care if i own this already for dreamcast and ps2 im getting this im so getting this. capcom is a bastard playing with my emotions like this.
  11. yeah but unless u r in the chinese mafia or the yakuza it just makes ya a douche bag.
  12. im sure thats what the downloadable content will be for.
  13. Hey... are you referring to the random gusts of wind... or the fact that your helmet helps contain your brain piece so you might register a most painful demise? Well This way is an acceptable way to go... beats out alot of other ways. Solidius... does this not look flocking awesome? no it doesnt i peed a lil just watching that vid. lol
  14. so is body of lies a good movie or not lol?
  15. thanks for helping me confirm that i will never do that crazy shite.
  16. the game just keeps looking better and better i cant wait to get pwned on it.
  17. it just doesnt matter u r gonna play the system u can afford or have the most access to
  18. multiple platform games are good to me since everyone owns diff consoles u both have a game u r familiar with when u go to each other houses.
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