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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. i expected this, exclusives are about to be a thing of the past.
  2. if he was gonna do that then he may as well wait till duke nukem forever is released. but i know he is very busy with stuff so it till get updated when he has the time.
  3. is it pool or stroke who breaks the 4th wall in his comics
  4. i have a wii and graphix dont matter the wii isnt fun unless u got other peeps over to play with u
  5. well i hope for his sake they keep him out of general population or they are gonna make real juice out of that nigga lol.
  6. im with inky this thing is missing a lot of stuff to make it a main contender in the gaming market. looks like it will make a decent media player though.the only games it says it will play are java games and really how many clones of bejeweled and zuma do you want to play.
  7. i deal with crap like that all the time.
  8. Heh... thats an offal lot of effort for some drumsticks... Perhaps you should train them to fetch beer! Less of a mess. I'm good at fetching more than beer, I can make mixed drinks! I'm trained! but can you cook a steak. Blasphemy! NO woman can cook a steak. Back off! Get yer own BBQ! must...... resist...... temptation.............. to agree with cinder............ !!!!!!!!!
  9. welp that help me decide what i wanted for dinner tonight lol.
  10. if will referred ya u r ok in my book lol.
  11. ill pass on it for now, nothing on the ds is making me want this at the moment.
  12. a truly great actor and humanitarian a great loss RIP.
  13. after the debates i conclude they both are retards. they kept repeating the same crap for each answer.
  14. that was pretty trippy i could have used one of those suit in high school lol.
  15. proof that u will be crapping like a madman later lol.
  16. damn i wants some pizza reg or deep dish
  17. on second thought the sounds sucks balls and some of the emulation is really glitchy. sorry guys
  18. Sho'nuff: Get up Leroy, I got something real fo yo ass in these hands!!
  19. i loved that movie and that qoute is priceless.
  20. a ps3 release is a given, its just up in the air if its gonna make a 360 appearance.
  21. my man will whats up im just more excited for this game now i want a console release date damnit
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