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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. items actually do stuff this time!!!!!
  2. i liked it, its not gonna make people flock to go get vista, but it was a good commericial.
  3. well i cant wait to see what u come out with dont feel bad for the delay we all got shite going on in the real world that outweighs here , thats just how it goes sometimes.
  4. o god nintendo is losing their minds.
  5. i like it, loads pretty fast and is very minimal cant wait to see what google does with it.
  6. mentioned or not we will make it but there will be some lame post, but if it helps us reach our goal more power to ya.
  7. ouch!!! i would have to say 22 is one of my favs only thing that could have made that better would be if he smoked a cig and read the paper during introductions.
  8. o comon me and you have been talking about a podcast for a while you know im in.
  9. congrats to 6 yrs, and im sure we can keep it up for 6 plus yrs, this is a great site full of great peeps and though 2008 has been a slow yr we still find ways to keep this place going with some random bs to argue about. lol cheers guys, its great knowing all of ya.
  10. looks like a winner to me, like ink said the one we bat fans have been waitin for.
  11. echo whats up man talking about seeing ghost lol.
  12. this is messed up its a bad weekend to be a black entertainer between the ages of 50 and 70.
  13. seth r is a pretty bad ass writer, i have liked all his movies as well.
  14. Yea, it was great to finally play a fighting game online. You were the first person I know that I played with online on a console too! I was glad the rumors of lag were greatly exaggerated. I just need to get better, which is why i went random because I was tired of deciding. lol we gave each other some nice runs but u came out on top a lot but i got a few wins in meself, but psn really doesnt lag that bad, since its free i def wont complain when it does , since the update its easy to find your friends to restart a game.
  15. wall street was a good movie u gotta check it out sometimes lol.
  16. i think ninendo needs to go handheld and software only when your company says we have ran out of ideas for the wii wtf is that u just openly give up on your hype machine. and it was good playing sc4 with u today gouken. my damn wrist is messed up. thats why i stopped playing i will be back on later if u wanna play.
  17. oops my bad lol. i have never played beer pong before
  18. lol i got what u r saying, i just messing with the fanboys and the reason i got an elite my wife went and got it and thats what she got. like i said one day i will get brave and flash the thing maybe. just dont bury the ps3 yet as fukkkked up as sony does things they always end up doing right by the playstation. and u dont have to be a fan boy to know im telling the truth on that, just compare ps2 sales and hype to xsuck 1 sales, sony whipped microsofts ass.
  19. i would be there but in terms of fighting game ownage im sure mag would pwn us all he is a beast lol. if chicks are gonna be there though we gotta play a game of who's in my mouth lol. im all for those burgers though im freaking starving. i cant believe i wasnt mentioned in the post that hurts will lol.
  20. was there really a reason for this thread, 360 users are getting as bad as people with macs they think they have a superior product when they dont. the 360 had a head start on the next gen they should be better. my new 360 elite has been turned on twice since i got it 2 months ago. the ps3 has the same titles coming out for the rest of the yr save a few 360 only titles which the only one i wanna play is gears fable sucks ass to me. the only reason i really have a 360 now is some day i will be brave enuff to try to flash it , so i can play backups without paying for them.
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