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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. i was just coming to post, he was a great comedian.
  2. take the first yr to get your basics down then just declare after a yr i change my major 2 times before i got out. just remember to study hard and have some fun dont burn your self out.
  3. the game will be released they will just have to shop around for a smart publisher, most older gamers will buy this game just cuz they remember the movies. and most new gamers will pick it up cuz its a very nice looking games. and reports from E3 where the game was playable they say it plays nice. so im not worried we will be playing this game prolly around next yr to make the i think 25th anniversary of the movies.
  4. there needs to stop being versus threads with 360 vs ps3, it makes no sense most of the games being developed by 3rd party publishers are being made for both consoles, both consoles are almost identical power wise, with the 360 u got faster loading dvds and with the ps3 u got hd install with disc loading so the load speeds are not really an issue. what ya gonna complain the ps3 will eventually run out of hd space?? go buy a bigger hard drive the ps3 was made with this upgrade feature from the start i got a 250gb hard drive in my ps3 so space is the least of my worries, my main concerns with 360 is that they are getting decent exclusives but they only appeal to a small amount of gamers for that system and this crap they are doing with the dash board which they should leave alone they are blantly stealing ides from nintendo and sony . and ps3 is stalling home so much and building it up and when they release it its just gonna be meh i waited all this time for this. to me there is no console war anymore for me personally since the ps3 free online really isnt that bad i will buy for that console unless there some 360 exclusive i cant live without. and if the ps3 dies which i doubt it will i still have the 360 to fall back on. you know why cuz im a gamer when its all said and done its not about which system is better, its the fact that im playing a game that i enjoy period.
  5. just wanted the xbox fanboys to see this first
  6. the star wars characters are ok but they are so out of place in this game, the apprentice is just a cheap bastard. vader attacks way too slow, and according to sources yoda is useless. i would like to see some cool guest characters as dlc. i doubt it happens but a guy can dream.
  7. on ebay you may get a vid game freak, face to face may 50-75 bux.
  8. looking good i tried to embed but it didnt work.
  9. anyways i think u have thrown the fanboy comment at me as well. no worries u r still one of the coolest guys here.
  10. nah i will be fair and let the topic starter keep his fanboy opinion lol
  11. yeah mine either , i tried and i failed lol.
  12. who really cares two great systems yes the ps3 is a great system too are getting hopefully a great game lets just leave it at that.
  13. no cuz there is a moving image on the screen the whole 2 hours, so the screen is refreshing it self all the time. i got 2 plasmas one i have had for almost 2 yrs and no image retention or burn in so i know u should have no probs from your lcd.
  14. as u can see as long as u dont leave a still image up on the screen for more than 2 hrs then no worries. if u r gonna leave your game playing session or tv watching for a long time turn the tv off prob solved.
  15. im going to see it again tomorrow.
  16. happy bday ryan today was my oldest son;s bday as well, sorry im a day late with the well wished cheers mate.
  17. best movie i have seen in yrs as well its going in my top 20 of all time, heath ledger as the jokers was mind blowing. tragic we wont see him reprise the role but i dont think any one would dare try to take the role after his performance.
  18. nice blog i added u and teck as friends on digg.
  19. thats the main reason i like rock band more than gh i like the original artist playing their stuff.
  20. i love playstation and im not crying i also like ff all this is to me is one more system to choose to get it on even thought im still getting it on ps3.
  21. that list if frucking awrsome i cant wait. has gh even got the rights to the original recordings yet or are they still doing the cover bands thing.
  22. yeah i called it but there was really no big jump ship square is basically try to cover production cost and still make a profit. MGs4 will prolly be ported in 09 and tekken 6 prolly 09 too or it would have been announced too.
  23. garyoak you have been warned u have porn in your avatar
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