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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. i shall check on this later, looks interesting. thanks gc
  2. i cant wait, i have not heard one bad review for this movie yet.
  3. the engine still looks way too stiff, cmon midway i know u can do better than this.
  4. only good thing chris tucker has been in was the first friday, he is only ok in the rush hour movies. and thats coming from a black guy.
  5. back in the day the day being the 80's eddie murphy was a pretty good comedian, but like inky said thats when he was doing the adult gritty comedy which he was good at, then he got into doing the multiple roles crap and he just died as a comedian to me.
  6. i hope your doc told u about the chance of the vasectomy making you impotent. and you should not be burning either and u dont wait 4 weeks for sex its usually a 3-5 day wait, anyways u r nuts for letting a doc come near your junk with a sharp instrument.
  7. i sacraficed a calf for you and prayed hard im with ya dude good luck, u deserve it.
  8. work and kids and such keep me from posting as much, hope fully when school starts back and the kids are gone i can start my podcast thing ive been planning for a while.
  9. happy 4th to the american chaps , i got the grill going as we speak. yes even in the future when u read this the grill will be going lol.
  10. well there will be another round of price cuts coming up soon so there is something to look fwd to. for 360 and ps3
  11. People with 20Gb PS3s might as well shoot themselves now. This is for the PS3 btw- the Xbox 360 version also requires an install but its size is unknown. Source: http://global.yesasia.com/b5/PrdDept.aspx/...pid-1011073438/ i have a 250gb hard drive this doesnt bother me at all
  12. just upgrade the hd in your ps3 i have a 250gb in mine no space worries anymore , and on the 360 i got a 120 that i can garuntee i will never fill up, my wii well um my son is having fun with it for now he is almost 6 so he is easily ammused.
  13. i wonder if mag will own at this one like he does in sf3??? if u have never played mag then u dont know what im talking about.
  14. so come on fellas do your part to keep inky from punching babies.
  15. god you mofos can get started on the weirdest topics so early in the morning, i have seen hentai before but i need to see some real pvssy before my engine gets going. hentai is more funny depending on the type than anything.some of that shite has chicks getting raped and pissed on and such that just aint kewl lol unless u r into that stuff in real life,then u need some help.
  16. wow fatal u really let your standards drop didnt ya lol
  17. lol i guess this is the i got my second 360 thread well i just got my second 360 and an elite to boot my wife loves me lol. so i guess i need to re up my gold account and get vf 5 so fatal can destroy me lol.
  18. It's very possible to do it the external HDD method, but it's results are less then steller. Phat PS2s 4 life. something we agree on the phat ps2s rule
  19. cinder what version of HDloader are u using
  20. watched the incredible hulk god it was like a 1000 times better than ang lee's version, marvel should have had their own movie studio all along. lol two decent comic book movies this yr that has to be a record.
  21. lol i dont have to bow to ya bambi i think i have had all the consoles for a while and this has always been my argument to fanboyism.
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