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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. just a random one would be ultimate weapon from FFVII the battle was impossible.
  2. so all u guys here with modded 360's any of u got it yet, if so how ya liking it.
  3. dude your tv will be ok . like iq said most of the newer plasma even have protection against burn in, u may have some ghosting but keepin a moving image and the tv it self will usually get rid of that. u only really get burn if u leave a still image up for hours. but if u r not doing research on your tv before u get it then u deserve the discomfort of not making an informed desicion, if u game get an lcd if u watch a lot of movies and regular tv get a plasma. if u r gonna game all day for more than 6 hrs at a time get an lcd.
  4. u r thinking of plasmas that can leave burn in, i happen to have plasmas .
  5. hopefully one day companies will relize not every game needs a complete 3d engine make over to succeed on the next gen systems, that is what is killing a lot of old series.
  6. i cant choose too many epic games but honorable mention goes to FFVII and FFVIII,castlevania:SON,metal gear solid and contra 3.
  7. this guy sounds pretty kewl, he knows it sucks before he even plays the thing, but quite a find.
  8. lol he needs to get some of his crazy back or something i feel bad that was like watching someone fighting under water.
  9. im sure this will just be a re release on 360 and ps3
  10. damn ryan i didnt know u were gonna get it cut that short. u dont look like u r happy with it either.
  11. its not a game its a movie or animated movie.
  12. yeah i was surprised to find most torx heads come in the sets now a days for under 10 bux.
  13. im with inky and axl the weapons can go especially since its 2d but more gore and high res graphics i would be in.
  14. im thinking of cutting my hair back short after my staff infection goes away.
  15. why dont u just take it apart clean the contacts and it should be fine, it should take u all of 15 mins to do.
  16. no fatalities will be in the game there will be finishers but thats about it they wanna keep it a teen rating but like one step away from mature, the whole thing is just wacky, i guess not having fatalites makes sense cuz a lot of the DC characters cant really die or would be really tough to kill mainly superman. it would be like all the mortal kombat characters will need to be packing kryptonite or something to even get a punch on superman.
  17. i like both two different generes so no need to pick a better one
  18. o man the things i would do to olivia munn
  19. im disapointed but im still getting this game lol.
  20. welp here is the confirmed midway promo kredits to MKO
  21. i got both a ps3 and a 360 my 360 is down at the moment,but i will get a nother one. there really is no better between the 2 u got fanboys for both machines. and they are gonna argue their fave one way or another. i love my ps3 and i have like 22 games for it i have and still do play all of them. plus anyone who has my gamertag for 360 know i was hardly on it, i love live its hands down the best console online service. but u gotta pay for it for now anyway the ps3 online is totally free and they arent talking about charging for it even after home launches. both systems will have most of the same games so just pick a box and STFU. play it without being a fan boy about it.
  22. have a look and listen some people are just dumb no thats being nice some people are just dumb asses.
  23. ok im getting notes and news from the press conf they have pretty much confirmed a crossover game so it pretty much looks like scorpion and superman will be duking it out. more info when i find out anything else.
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