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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. the ps3 is not crappy, the wii is a nice second console thats about it .
  2. since i have both a 360 and a ps3 exclusives dont mean jack to me. but i see your point on the one console but the competiton used to mean better games being made not so much anymore.
  3. yeah i will give it to sega with VF series the revisions have been good ,but like BK said they intentionally do a realease with the anticipation of selling the revisions. thats just a lil flocked up but its a business they gotta make that bank too. and most of us here will get the patch paying or otherwise for the 360. im just a fighting game fan, even though i really dont care for vf much at all i still got vf4 and evo when they came out on day one, i could kick my self now waste of a 100 bux. and vf5 still havent played it in months it just looses it glamour with me for some reason, im more excited about sf4 and kof XII than this vf revision, hell i will take it one further and say im looking fwd to the new 3dish samurai showdown lol.
  4. well i cant believe it well i can but its nice to see sony picking up a lil steam, by no means killing or even dent the 360 base but its actually getting down in price to be a rival to the 360 in the sales dept. since 3rd party wise this yr the ps3 and 360 will essentially be getting the same titles. so its an even playing field almost. im really proud of the developers they seem to be getting the hang of the ps3 hardware, with some of the newer games running just as smooth as their 360 counterpart. 2 which i have seen with my own eyes are burnout and devil may cry 4, both run smooth as silk with no slowdowns and no bad graphic tearing which is great over last yr ps3 has just plain shittey versions of games graphics wise,now they just gotta get their online part in some shape and i will be happy with both of my systems. a lot of the reason i think the sales are improving prolly has to do with that blu ray hd dvd format crap meh i have yet to even buy a blu ray movie. i only have the talledega nights that came with the ps3 when i got it. well i will stop my rant, thats all it is i was just happy to see the news. ok fanboys start your flame war i know its coming
  5. im liking the gameplay it really is mostly 2d with the 3d background and somewhat 3d aspect of the supers. looks pretty BA im also likeing the look of the new samurai showdown as well.
  6. well at least u guys dont have a wife who has a bday 4 days after v day, always cost me a small fortune.
  7. pm me all the guides u used inky im thinking of getting a second 360 to flash.
  8. get the damn ps3 screw these haters,do like me and get both.
  9. damnit i forgot about turok im going with devil may cry 4 instead
  10. sorry did u do a google search u can usually find coups there all the time , what ya trying to get?
  11. the real good fights have been the light heavyweights, brock lost but he did WAY better than i thought he would. just a lil more work and he can be a force. and yes frank won but brock flocked him up pretty good in the face.
  12. very nice congrats i know u been hunting a cab down like crazy lol.
  13. how many times i gotta tell u guys GC is a total female organ when it comes to posting a pic now let him go put on his lil dress and not post in the big boy topic lol .
  14. i have played and beat all the dmc they were all pretty good to me i even beat the way more difficult jap version before i even played the US version of 3. i guess this is a reason to turn my 360 on after a 3 month absence crap i need to check and see if my xbox live membership is still good i cant remember when i paid for that yr sub.
  15. im gonna give the nod to doom half life is good and all but i have enjoyed other series more.hell i put unreal over half life.
  16. i will be on i ask GC about it a lil while back
  17. where the heck is fatal, i was sure he would have commented on this by now. anyways brock may get his arse handed to him or he may kick franks ass, this whole situation is all about making some bux for the ufc, they will get some new fanbase from the wrestling crowd and a lot from people just wanting to see brock fail.
  18. wow didnt take him for the druggie type. and found in mary-kate olsens place no less update not at mary kate's place.
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