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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. it looks awesome and new abilities and 2 players i cant wait.
  2. no country for old men and juno both pretty good flicks.
  3. the movie really makes u think wat would u do if that really happened. like neuron master said its a love story at heart. a deep you have to be crazy and thats the best cooch u ever had love story.
  4. not just hackers should be happy, anyone who is sick of paying outragous prices for music should be happy
  5. just be your self and u will be ok, break a leg
  6. i say call and cancel u will have to pay cancelation fees but u get out of the monthly flockts
  7. well i just read a supposede spoiler review so i dunno wat to think.
  8. i would add an xtra 100 bux like shiba said and get an hp,toshiba,or dell crap even and acer from wally world would be better.
  9. im glad he's gone, he said and did just some unforgivable crap.
  10. I came very close to buying Shoot em up, but i read some reviews and found out its Purely an Action Movie with a terrible Story and a whole bunch of other stupid stuff, but supposedly the action makes up for it. it is purely an action flick with lil to no story i knew that going in, thats why i enjoyed it so much. every now and then i like a movie like that.
  11. shoot em up and coming to america both pretty good.
  12. well like teck said if it were dislocated u wouldnt be moving it and depending on the girth of muscle in that area u would see the joint out of socket. lol where is gryph hes the future doc in this joint.
  13. i try not to lend my stuff out at all cuz nothing worse than getting your stuff back all jacked up. ever lend some one your stuff and go over to their house and see it just laying out of the case on a tv or something. just makes u wanna choke someone!!!!!
  14. leave it to ryan to do something creative with a blackzilla clip. u rock dude
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