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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. now are u guys talking the psx version of street fighter the movie or the arcade version i mean both were bad but the psx version i actually threw away.
  2. beatdown, pitfighter,nightmare on elm street,friday the 13th,madmax,wizards and warriors gameplay was horrible but it had a catchy tune lol. im sure i will think of more later
  3. they are not gonna be in my town prolly ever, but i already have vf 5 for ps3 im not getting it for 360 just to play online.before vf 5 though i thought the gameplay for vf was way to complex, i really cant wait for the next UFC game and the new tekken.
  4. usually if a girl gives me the looks i make them come talk to me.i break the tension with a joke then we have a nice conversation thats all i can do nowadays i used to get some nice bed exercises out of the thing lol.
  5. i just shave in the shower , brushing and other stuff is before the shower.
  6. so whats the craziest thing u have done for a mate. post a good story no matter have gross lol. As for me well one time i had to dig in a dumpster to get my gf book for her class only for her to break up with me the next day. what a biatch, i saw her a few yrs later and she wanted to hook up, and my dumb ass did it just cuz i thought there was a chance we would get back together!!!!
  7. potted meat with miricle whip and crackers what the hell was i thinking.
  8. it def needs some tweaking the collison detection is a lil off and the characters move a lil stiff.
  9. fatal why almost everyone on this site hates MK lol or at least anything after the 2d series.
  10. looks pretty good, looks like it may give soul caliber a lil bit of a run.
  11. ok ok i guess i will share mine, i was 17 it was in a park in 32 degree weather we had to do it like 3 times cuz the first time lasted maybe 10 mins, even not knowing much about sex i knew i couldnt let it finish like that lol. but sex really warms ya up let me tell u that no signs of shrinkage under that blanket. and yes she was my gf of 6 months so it wasnt just some random chick.
  12. ok peeps this is a first time thread lets not turn this into a moral debate on having sex. if u dont good for you, if u do then share your stories lol
  13. lol super soka is right that crap works. i used to do it in college.
  14. lol ok hands down where have u got the best take out burger from? for me it was this mom and pop place this guy made the best burger with grilled onions and always fresh lettuce and tomatoes and the patties were giant. and it only cost 2.50 , i hate the guy died.
  15. now i want to go to wendys thank you gc lol. thats what i will be having for lunch tomorrow.
  16. and fatal seriously do u have a camera crew that follows u around lol.
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