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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. wendys comes in second with food representation but damn the burgers are tasty lol i dont get onions on fast food burgers cuz they are not grilled but i always put fries on my burgers call me sick lol. but its damn tasty and yes fresh tomatoes are a must on a burger thats why u bring em home and slice em and put them on the burger so u can taste it.
  2. i just flat out stopped going there a few yrs ago nothing there interested me i get all my emu and forum goodness here plus all the peeps i had there came over here anyway.
  3. gc is the dude on the left in the beach pic if u cant see the connection between the 3 pics u r blind not to mention he constantly talks about working out so the the 6 pack is a give away. damn that sounded gay.
  4. im 29 with 2 kids and i have no idea how they got her lol just joking i havent been a cherry since i was 17. some advice to the cherries here dont get married with out having sex u wouldnt buy a car with out test driving it would ya.
  5. own nintendo nintendo 64 gameboy advance (somewhere in the house) wii dreamcast xbox xbox 360 psx ps2 psp ps3 nothing to get till next gen
  6. look me and gc have known each other a while, but im calling him out dude stop being a female organ and post your pic lol. o god he is gonna post me some hate ims later. but seriously bra u r being a wimp. lol
  7. eat eat !!!!! this time you're eating paper,the next time it's gonna be glass!!!
  8. ive been to 2 smackdown tapings 3 raw tapings 1 no mercy and 1 no way out.
  9. yes i have im on xbox now well im playing burnout but if u wanna throwdown in team fortress im game.
  10. and there is nothing talking to some one on msgr she stays in canada for crying out loud and im in bum flockeddddd south arkansas lol.and we both are married so there.
  11. how many of us here would not love a girl that loves games and wrestling well ok maybe just me and gc on the wrestling.
  12. thats a female organ way out of posting a pic but it seems he lives on the west coast maybe the north west cuz that doesnt look like cali from the rocks. maybe washington.
  13. my ryu and ken will rule all. period lol. bambi if u got msn or yahoo messenge pm me your screen name you are too kewl not to get to know better.
  14. there is nothing wrong with it , she;s a hot chick that loves wrestlling she is the bomb. her bf or hubby is a lucky bastard.
  15. 37 my girlfriend sucked 37 ducks. In a row???
  16. ok i wanna make a rule if u are not gonna post a pic *cough* gc *cough* then u should not be allowed to post in this thread lol
  17. heres a tip get a custom firmware the chance of bricking your psp is slim and then there are ways to even fix that now.
  18. i love the game, but the SON im gonna stick with the psx version i hate the border and the complete dialouge change from the psx version of SON on Dracula X chronicles.
  19. wait a chick who loved wwf no mercy has 1emu went to the twillight zone i thought i would never see the day.
  20. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i have bothwhich to get it on prolly xbox live since the online is much better there for now.
  21. awww poor fatal seriously though u got me to thinking the other day what ever happened to violence, i dont remeber what happened to him.
  22. i have a canon rebel xti which cost me a grand when i got it andi got a sd850 that cost me 350.
  23. ha my ass i bet u went and got it too lol
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