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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. that was staged but i remeber when it first came out i would have prolly kicked that teachers ass if he did that to my phone.
  2. Normally, both of your sorry asses would be deader than flocking fried chicken by now, but you happened to pull this crap while I'm in a transitional period so I don't wanna kill you, I wanna help you. But I can't give you what's in this case, it doesn't belong to me. Besides, I've already been through too much crap this morning over this case to just hand it over to your dumb asses.
  3. ill give my impressions later after i play it i already have SON on the psp is there suppose to be anydiff in the versions?
  4. god i long for snow here in south ark. i miss the snow bambi if u need me to come shovel your walk or something u let me know lol.
  5. i dont have many crazy sleep stories but i got some lol. one time i slept through a sales meeting with my eyes wide open i still dont know how that happened. one of my ex gfs one time told me i got up in the middle of the night and turned on the tv. other stories i cant get into as they are for an adult audiene lol.
  6. im glad all the newbies are posting good stuff reminds me of the old days around here.
  7. i can cook anything i took some classes and my mom taught me when i was young its just something i like to do someday i may take the plunge and open a diner or something. but on to what i love to make i like to do itailian and classic american dishes , you know like lasanga and stromboli, the stuff like mac and cheese,meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy. what ever u do experiment look for recipies on the internet and tweak them to your liking.
  8. Sharp cheddar rules, when i make lasanga i always use cheddar and mozzerella, im with ya on the swiss thing the after taste is bad but it does match well with mushrooms and sauce on a burger. riccotta and cottage cheeses should be banned from existance they are disgusting. i also hate cream cheese but i make a killer cheese cake.
  9. no jack in the box here either, i also miss hardees. i love to cook it's just that i work so much i hardly get to do it.
  10. amen sister as far as the holiday is shaping up, people will blindly buy wii's (i'm sorry i own one and the innovation of it has wore out to me. bring it on nintendo fan boys) but between the 360 and the ps3 the 360 will prolly sell a lil more but with the cheaper ps3's coming i wanna give sony a fighting chance, i look at it this way its the cheapest blu ray player that has many functions including gameplay so its a better deal than the 360 to me. but i think sony will also have a boost and will get rid of thier remaining ps2s this season by selling them for 99 bux or less. on a side note bambi add me to your xbox live list my screen name is solidius2778. we can play some team fortress and halo together which u will prolly destroy me at
  11. i will pick up most of those , hellgate london is gonna suck early reviews have stated that, but most of the other i will be getting.
  12. lol nope i forgot to put a light filter on the the cam.
  13. i guess i didnt put mine up here goes bambi you are the hottness btw.
  14. my mistake i guess i should have done a lil research but its not like i dont have this game for ps2 and dreamcast lol.
  15. the story of ricky is up there in the over the top gore but to me its more funny than gross im gonna check out naked blood soon, but some good contenders of gore are bad taste and dead alive.
  16. speaking of cps3 emu i still havent seen marvel vs capcom 2 for mame or anything yet. catch me up if im behind
  17. ok they made a streets of rage 3 already in 94 so i guess u guys mean streets of rage 4. but anyway back to the topic Streets of rage 4 i want it in 2d but im sure if it happens it will be 3d sunset riders super double dragon Marvel vs capcom 3
  18. im trying to remeber what system commando 2 was on
  19. No restrictions from my folks i was a straight A student all through school, so whenever i asked for a system or a game i usually got it. it was a useful tool in relieving stress from school or all night study sessions. plus i took part in martial arts and other outdoor activities as a kid so i wasnt a total game zombie. like cinder i try to get my kid to game too and its helping with his memory skills hes in kindergarten and got placed in 1st grade reading and math, i doubt gaming had anything to do with it i just had to brag on my kid!!!
  20. im gonna start a prayer chain for it to be 2D , it wont be a true sequel to me if its not 2D.
  21. Back in the day eddie was the bomb too bad he is on the downslide of his career.
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