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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. he was just making plans for later lol. he;s going motorboating. the motorboatin SOB!!!
  2. ii cant and wont decide u cant make me .
  3. whether u wanna go through the hassel of paying your medical bills or not, american healthcare is seriously flawed. yes hospitals are required to give u service if u come in regardless if u can pay or not but if u have a job and do not pay they will garnish your wages to get their money. but here is even more messed up stats if u have insurance and a job you pay your bill. if u r poor or lower class u can get the same treatment the state pays for it which is funded by working class citizens who in retrospect paying for everyones health care for people who feel they dont have to pay. dont get me wrong, i think everyone should have free healthcare, but dont brag about the fact your are mooching off taxpayers cuz u dont pay your medical bills. america needs to wake up and smell the coffee on healtch care reform we are really like one of the only countries where we are still as citizens paying for healthcare and we are letting the govt get away with it.
  4. the second trailer is making me want the game even more.
  5. ii wish i could pre order now but this will be the week i take a vacation when this game comes out lol. kojima has redeemed raiden praise the lord lol.
  6. lol its ok my comparisons are based on the fact that i have all of the consoles and have played with them and checked the specs. the ps3 is a baby i really wasnt expecting anything decent on the system till later this yr . i gotta give dev some time to tinker with things. and i know this is a sucky cop out but ninja gaiden sigma is so awesome on ps3. but resistance and darkness are good games. and motostorm was awesome to the overly difficult mid and final sections of the game.
  7. built in blu ray player hdmi outputs the first time not on a system re release cpu is having less heating issues than 360 built in wireless online service is free multimedia options are getting better faster than with 360 and its been out a yr.(i.e. more formats for audio and more mov formats.) better backwards compatability just a list to start with
  8. stop hating on ps3 not only did it just just a 100 price drop which if u look at it is only 20 bux more than 360s elite system and u are still gettting way more value in the ps3. dont get me wrong i like my 360 too but to me personally the ps3 with all the stuff it can do is a greater value. microsoft is gonna still get greater fan service cuz its core units price points are still lower and the system has been out a yr longer. like i mentioned earlier i like the 360 but the games for it arent just blowing a skirt up or anything. all the halo 3 hype mean jack shite to me since im not that impressed with halo as a whole its just an ok FPS to me, im personally more excited for unreal 3. which is hmmmmmm exclusive for ps3 and pc till 08. and the wii while being the stronger seller out now, the thing has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust there is nothing to play for it. RE4 was fun but sorry have played it twice before. to me the wii is only a party game system or for kids or girls. so fan boys flame on, i can feel it coming. Oh and btw im not being a sony fanboy as i own all 3 a ps3 a wii and a 360. im merely stating the fact that the ps3 regardless of the lack of games for it the system it self is a valuble piece of hardware for the price.
  9. i was all about mourning benoit till the news came he killed his wife and kid. it has changed my view of him. seems there was a lot of flocked up stuff about him and his wife and kid.
  10. I just heard this as well. i loved benoit he was such a great talent and now this. well only one left to get it is dean malenko unless he is behind it all. this is truly a sad day for any wrestling fan. but it also explains why he wasnt at vengence last night.
  11. im pretty much a lovable guy till u give me a reason to hate you.
  12. iim with cinder toss that go get ya a new one lcd's and plasma are getting pretty cheap. way less than the cost of repair epecially since that would be such a waste with the damage done to that screen.
  13. i think i posted my pic before dont remember
  14. also i have some backups im having trouble getting to work i dont wanna damage my umd's lol so i would appreciate some help on that too.
  15. i just got a psp but i think gamecop has a GP2X, but let me ask u this dragon keeper every emu works pretty well so far on psp cept snes the sound is horrible but for the most part the game play part if flawless cept for tetris attack on snes any tips?
  16. hey drake i just got guild wars factions we should play sometimes.
  17. why cant people relize we are all one race the human race, people are worried about the wrong thing when looiking for someone to love whether u believe in evolution or creation we all came from the same genetic mix. just stupid humans who cant let crap go that happened hundreds and thousands and even millions of yrs ago which is why we have all the seperation and thinking one race is better than another in the world. screw color and race when looking for a mate or a friend or anything in another human just choose who ya wanna be with just for the person not who they are or where they come from or their race.
  18. im not but im sure in alike a month or so it will be an open beta for all who want it. which reminds me i need to renew my xbox live account.
  19. i hope all this music genere hating is not you guys harboring some racial hatred deep inside.
  20. i thought i was the only one here with a ps3 unless u r playing on psp.
  21. 7-8 baby is not letting me sleep at night
  22. wow that was awesome that dude does have some mad skills
  23. your temp is fine like dragon keeper said untill u start seeing graphic glitches dont worry. your cpu fan and case fans are doing a terrific job cooling your pc.
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