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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. tthat whole waiting thing is so overated to me now, i mean seriously if u wait with no experience and u just so happen to marry someone with experience u r setting your self up for some frustration.
  2. im with gc too once i put my hard earned bux down i own the hardware so i can do with it whatever i please.
  3. fatal was def the playa playa of 1emu i will have to look him up
  4. i saw it and im with u, i liked em both they were just both so over the top, just looks like they had fun with both films. and the end of deathproof was great i wont spoil it but it was just great to me. the fake trailers were pretty good too, dont was just hilarious but thanksgiving was my fav lol.
  5. the ps2 mod really needs the hard drive to make it choice to have. but that would add like an additional pound or so with the enclosure.
  6. none of the frames fit me either, you carve your own path in life and no emo pics are gonna fit when they sometimes have some pretty bleak outlooks on life.
  7. since i have this on ps2 already im not gonna swing for the 360 version but i really cant wait for rock band.
  8. iim still teetering wether to get a DS no games on there really make me wanna get it after looking at the list, but if i do i will def get this product. but im still wondering why the gloves
  9. Wii-the innovation is wearing thin quick on that thing i have actually had money to buy this to round out my trifecta of next gen systems but the wiimote wears out its welcome to me on some many games half way through it. Xbox 360- once hated it but now i like it i like the online structure, really something ps3 needs to steal from, thats right i said steal cuz the home stuff has yet to blow a skirt up. but microsoft is pissing me off with this elite release for more money its stupid. and im not gonna say they are stealing exclusives from PS3 the publishers are just going multiplatform to make up for profit loss. PS3- slight disapointment but i think they will build ground this yr, they really got to do the price cut to get in the game. nothing else to say really sony just has a lot of work to do.
  10. ad block plus video downloader tab mix plus
  11. Stone Cold Steve Austin and i hate brett the pink sissy hart
  12. i was wanting john cena to lose too hes been champ too long time for someone else to grace the spotlight.
  13. loved the review and will be getting a ds and the r4 package in a week or 2. damn just when i downright hated the ds gamecops shows me the light lol. and since i love this site gonna order it from modmyds.com, since its our partner site i know it must be a good place to order from.
  14. buffalo wings or steak and mashed potatoes or most chinese food
  15. companies dont make much if any money on the consoles microsoft included they make money on software and add ons the only company to profit on hard ware is nintendo the only game company in yrs to do so.
  16. there really is no pref on the consoles other than which version will have more content. not just cuz i wanna chase some 360 acheivement points
  17. damnit now i gotta buy the 360 and the ps3 versions
  18. ok just beat it satifying ending cant wait for 3, really cant wait
  19. im playing through it now, i like it but i hate there is not as many cut scenes its a good game on its own but i feel like this is like GOW 1.5 they added all the xtra stuff they wanted in the first and just wrapped it up so they can do next gen. welp back to playing
  20. Wow thats just some cold shite right there. hope the other pooch fares well.
  21. sorry to see ya go buddy, we share the vet status lol good luck and visit us.
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