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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. im with the majority here the price tag for that thing would be welp ps3 like in price but it is amd they make cheaper chips lol
  2. tthe one i remeber at the moment was in street fighter 2 u could go against sheng long which turned out to be an april fools day joke
  3. wow i have seen some f'd up stuff in my day but that was disturbing was putting it mild lol and the fact that there was no dialouge made it more creepy. i will be getting the dvd soon lol.
  4. wow well i think it is the start for the price cut which has to happen this summer and this holiday. sony is really taking a nice hit on their consoles right now but since games are starting to get released for it they will start very slowly to make a lil scratch not a profit mind you but start gaining some of the money they are bleeding now.
  5. only thing i dont like about the ps3 is the lack of games but they are starting to come out now and right now the graphical standpoints are very minimal. btw if anyone here wants to play some gears online my gamertag is solidius2778. hit me up
  6. will get a wii in the next few weeks to round out all the next gen consoles i already have a ps3 and a 360. i just dont see the longevity in the wii but i like what it has now.
  7. theres a part of me that will never stop gaming
  8. i really want to learn for games and just to have the knowledge
  9. she is just literally whacked out right now, i may have to put her in my dead pool.
  10. i would like to try it just to try something diff.
  11. ah it will take more than one piss/heine drinking redneck to destroy anything
  12. now see thats what im talking about this place can still kick up a stir when we put our minds to it .
  13. yeah leo will prolly be gay and it will be on ps3 this yr not in 3 or 4 yrs
  14. I purchased a Xbox360 today so i now own a 360 and a ps3. so i need some suggestions for some 360 games because not all the popular titles are the best cept for gears or war thats the game i bout with it. p.s. if anyone knows any hacks pm me lol.
  15. game tap emulation for stupid people that should be their slogan
  16. solidius23

    One Last Run

    the site has lasted this long it will take a whole hell of alot to kill it. most of us come here everyday just cuz its in our blood.p.s. next time dont use that gay pic of van dam since he seems to go blind in every pic he does lol.
  17. maybe im weird because i didnt find it humerous rather boring really.
  18. got the 4-0 record i thought it was just an emu glitch
  19. i was playing super punch out for the first time in forever and when i beat the world circuit the special circuit didnt show up and i had a perfect record. any one know what gives im playing it on an emu btw.
  20. when and if this game ever comes out i want a whole dvd that tells why this game was delayed so long.
  21. post links i would love to see those
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