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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. this is a great mash up of 2 classic fighter characters a must watch for any fighting game fan.
  2. super r type 3 super ghouls and ghost ikaruga just to name a few
  3. ii was a beast on sunset riders as well i once made it through that game dying only once. but a short list of mine masteries are: sonic 2 mario bros 1,2,3 and mario world contra 3 contra super c splatter house thats it for now i know tere or other but i just got off of work and my brain is tired.
  4. DA BEARS will win DA BOWL colts will choke on some bear sausage.
  5. damn me and my friend were talking about him the other day
  6. kinghts of the round from FFVII crap there are so many i will have to list later im late for work.
  7. do not get dark messiah of might and magic the game sux
  8. i would have to agree with you sometimes the times just fly by, but my job requires a lot of computer work so im on the computer all day. but when i get home i got a wife and kid that take up time too. sometimes u just gotta get away from the puter. like with most technology it will be there when you get back.
  9. amen to that. but if his father owns a body shop im pretty sure he is making some decent bank. the father not the kid.
  10. totally clean here also i need that xtra cash for games and such.
  11. i got my wife one of the red razors,all new kitchen stuff she asked for,2 clothes shopping sprees. my son got a laptop(one of the play ones, a tickle me elmo extreme,a bunch of backyardigans stuff, a tv/dvd, clothes, books, puzzles,flash cards,and a whack a mole set oh and a basketball hoop which counts.
  12. i got my kid one of those tickle me elmo xtremes daddy may have to remove the batteries soon lol. as far as i go i got the PS3 (my wife syas it was my christmas present lol) 5 games xtra controller and a 42 in plasma hd tv.and various gift cards.
  13. Merry Christmas guys have a good one. hope you all gets lots of goodies.
  14. i with fatal im gonna go with the ps3 in feb
  15. i want this game will just wait for the ps3 version next month.
  16. do u think i just got all the items i got just out of thin air i work my ass off everyday just like most of the people do i just know how to save budget and invest my money to make it work for me. i havent had swuat handed to me in my life i work for all the shite i own. so all you posers stop drinking that hater aid.
  17. congrats on your purchas mag i was gonna opt to get a wii or a 360 but i had to get a new tv my other was on the fritz.
  18. well when its YOUR hard earned money u be ashamed. meanwhile im very happy with my purchase. and wii's should be availible everywhere this weekend stores have been hoarding them in the back for weeks.
  19. well this is my first post from my ps3 and so far its working pretty well.
  20. robert was right the residue from the smoke can not only gunk up the lens but the gears in the drive as well. bad thing about it is that even if u clean the lens depending on how long the residue has been on the lens it will leave a permanent film on your drive so u just may have to get a new one.
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