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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. under 100 with fm u are mostly gonna get a flash drive based player unless slightly used doesnt bother u and u hit up ebay.
  2. how much do u have to spend on this that would help with the choices
  3. go to youtube and type in simpsons in the search box it will come up.
  4. im watching the simpsons and they used the live intro a fan did to open the show pretty neat.
  5. only an idiot would buy this so early in the game at least if u wait for ps3 u get a player and video game entertainment system.
  6. i read this earlier now if they would only stop tap dancing around the hard drive questions.
  7. how flocking crazy and desperate do u have to be to do some stupid crap like that.
  8. that game rocks the one of the most dif songs is queens of the stone age no one knows.
  9. ok im just about a liniux virgin. i mean i have done stuff with it but have never gone all the way. is Ubuntu good for me i just wanna get into linux with having to find to many special drivers or anything.
  10. he didnt get fired after that he got let go because of something else when i find it i will let u know.
  11. that was hilarious and freaky at the same time seeing it done in live action.
  12. im thinking about putting linux on my spare computer so im interested in this topic as well.
  13. sometimes in my older age i have moments of boldness where i just say crazy shite like that.
  14. i wasnt gonna post but i would never own a dell but the bastards bought alienware today so i may have to change my tune. oh and a note on the video i hope that guy has a stain proof, water proof, hands free keyboard.
  15. i have that movie i laugh everytime i see chuck norris gets his ass handed to him by bruce.
  16. super ghouls and ghost super double dragon all the wwf games final fantasy 2 and 3 chrono trigger super castlevania 4 contra 3 turtles in time street fighter 2 street fighter 2 hyper fighting super street fighter 2 all the mk NBA live 95 was the best too many more to list
  17. some one hook me up with a link to where i can find "info" for cannibal holocoust i havent seen it in a while. PM me
  18. hostel bad taste dead alive cannibal holocost dawn of the dead directors cut audition i will think of more later
  19. click here if u like the simpsons check this out.
  20. graphics arent supposed to be changed much from deception they just wanna end the series on a decent note. I think they are heading in the right direction, this is actually like MK trilogy in 3D. we are talking 60 plus characters plus created and u can take these all online pretty good if ya ask me.
  21. Im catching up on gaming news today and i finally get to read the midway press thing about the final MK on this generation of game hardware. they are definatly gonna end things with a bang. every character from every MK game as well as create a character and online. and a konquest mode that is streamlined with shaolin monk type gameplay. MK has been a great franchise since its debut and this is certainly an awesome way to end the series before the redo the whole thing on the next gen consoles. whether this turns out to be an awesome title or a pooch screw, its an awesome effort on midways part and i applaud them for ending the series this way. any u guys have any thoughts on the subject.
  22. who ever started that term better explain it quick or they are gonna have some black people on their ass. coon is a racist term used for black people back in the day.
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