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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. i love my ps2 and i want a ps3 but im not paying 800 bux for one, thats just stupid.
  2. the lack of multiplayer does suck but the game is pretty addicting.
  3. EA's team who did burnout had churned out a very good FPS for the console.and i must say they did a nice job, tons of enemies per level, lots of bullets, very destructable enviroments. they did their homework and churned out a winner.of course im playing the PAL version but much if anything will be diff in the US version when it comes out on the 28, so if u have the means to get a demo or import do it. even though u really miss the mouse keyboard combo on the console lol.
  4. some one needs to be stabbed in the jaw. just something so simple and wonderful as bomberman made into pure eyecandy
  5. another day cept for my wife and all other women
  6. i love it when i come on here and cinders says the exact thing i think the conversion rate in dollars will get u a nice PSP pack in some stores and def on ebay.
  7. i use aston desktop if anyone knows a better shell replacement let me know
  8. i have to make another post after watching more of the vids. and i know some of us here are some pretty decent gamers. but as good as i thought i used to be i cant hold a candle to these guys. its like they are playing chess, using specials only when needed and like mag said always on the combo, never missing a move. it was freaky seeing how they like responded to moves in an instant. and if anyone here is still on their level i give u mad props.
  9. After watching some of those vids i will never think of hugo as a sucky character.
  10. well seeing as the game will be almost 2 yrs old when vista comes out, the main thing to look forward to is the custon maps that users get to make. this will breath a little life into the game. but it will have age and halo 3 working against it when it comes out.
  11. full article here Master Chief and fellow Space Marines say, "Hasta la Vista"; Microsoft Game Studios to develop Halo 2 for PC and its next-gen operating system. If PC users are having trouble deciding whether to move over to Windows Vista, Microsoft's next-generation operating system, when it is released later this year, the fact that the fate of the Earth depends on it may tip the scales. Microsoft Game Studios today announced that it is developing Halo 2 for the PC. The game will be only for Vista, and it's being developed in partnership with the franchise's original developer, Bungie Studios. The PC version will include Halo 2, the bonus maps that came in the Multiplayer Map Pack, and the ability to "build, create, and customize their own multiplayer levels." No release date or other details have been announced. credits gamespot microsoft just knows how to make something pretty decent come with a crappy punchline.
  12. all good points maybe we should come up with a boogus auction to raise some funds for 1emu. lol
  13. Just stupid some people are just stupid or they think there are morons on ebay which there are, But who pays 10 bux for pirating info.
  14. king kong the final destination films bad taste dead alive kiss kiss bang bang waiting van wilder commando all die hards just to get u started lol
  15. budweiser always makes the best superbowl commercial.
  16. Soda = 50 cents Round of SF3 = 75 cents Getting your ass handed to you 10 rounds straight times, and then finding out it was a girl that did it = Priceless
  17. i gotta choose both since they are both very very very good games and both run about 20 bux now so just get both.
  18. This to me is the best game in the series. It contains all the charaters from all of the games, gameplay is fun, graphics are nice, and did i mention it is just down right fun.. if u r a fan of the series, pick this one up, its a must have.
  19. another compliamation that will make a pretty decent amount of cash. capcom can not be that stale on ideas.
  20. I really hadn't noticed seeing as my MAME still recognizes my X-arcade stick. But then again, I think I'm using 0.97 or so. I will probably just get MAME32 plus now that I'm reminded I need to upgrade.
  21. finally a video game movie that looks like it may not suck complete ass. and uwe boll needs his ass whiped for even releasing blood rayne that should be added to the methods of capital punishment for killing prisoners or torturing terrorist.
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