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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. LMAO omg cinder stole my comeback exactly what i was thinking. damn i gotta save my cash and get my shirt.
  2. i actually have part of that issue somewhere lol. i remeber when that was the mag to have lol.
  3. lol who knew that disgusting habits of eating boogers was good for ya.
  4. why did u get me sucked in to this distraction lol.
  5. Of course they would deny it. They have been working on an OS for a few yrs now. why do u think aa lot of microsoft guys went to google other than the phat paycheck. but as gryph said they are partners with a lot of vendors, so it only makes perfect sense to keep it all hush hush. just nod your head and deny everything google. lol and of course i can only speculate it will be an internet/light duty machine i dont see google tackling gaming rigs anytime soon. they are all about getting into the homes at this point so they will keep it really cheap. i will predict 100- 200 dollar range on them.
  6. This bastard is obviously on one of his incest drunk sprees. so fresh off of getting off his mom he wanted to start trouble the bastard.
  7. welcome back fatal, long time no see.
  8. they are skimping on detail cuz she is a ho bag. she was on the contreceptive shot if u are not having sex then u wouldnt need it.
  9. only thing im looking fwd to is seeing 2 hours of TNA wrestling tonight.
  10. dont get me wrong quake 4 wasnt a bad game it just looked too much like doom 3 to me. and yeah serious sam 2 was a big letdown.
  11. 2005 was a bad year for entertainment on all realms. Movie wise hollywood just screwed up all over the place. it was like hollywood was begging people to pirate movies just so their stuff could get watched, cuz no body was stupid enough to pay to see them. Music was ok, not really and bright spots, the only annoyance is the damn RIAA, they are just pulling at anything music related they think they can sue for, lyrics and tabs its like most are saying they are gonna try to sue for reccomending a cd or a track to someone. Games it was a decent yr for games. A lot of really brights stars that came out in 05.one of my main disapointments was Quake 4. it was basically Doom 3 with more enemies. they could have done way way better, but the original team didn't work on it. goes to show sometimes u shouldnt try to rock th boat when u got a good thing going. ok so now u guys share your diapointments.
  12. Oh man 3 is not fair lol but i will try Resident Evil 4(ps2) This game totally blew me away. I was glad to see the more action less puzzles in this title. it gave me hope capcom has a little creative juice left in them.They did a tremendous job of porting the graphics over to ps2 from the gameboob. Devil May Cry 3(ps2) this had to be a sleeper hit of 2005. the action in this game was top notch and a story that didnt put u to sleep. i also loved this game because i beat the harder jap version before i even touched the US version, when most of the reviewers on various sites and magazines were having trouble with it. tie for 3rd Tekken 5 and Smackdown vs Raw 2006 (ps2) Both of theses games really surprised me because the previous entries for both of these were bad or just not up there. the designers went back to the drawing board and listened to the fans, and changed things for the better. making the games fun to play again. my only complaint is that namco needs to throw some online play into their games.
  13. i think the bush should be removed from both covers
  14. i loved my saturn they just didnt make many good games for it, but i enjoyed darkstalkers and virtua cop.
  15. farewell dude but, i would have just disapeared u know we were gonna flame your post, it wouldnt be us if we didnt. i mean i almost grabbed a tissue reading your post (not really) you were a great member, but if u r gonna go out dont go out like a whining beotch lol.
  16. they got mad skills, i was im pressed. lol i just wished i had a tiny bit of their flipping skills.
  17. i dont care if the psp doesnt have any good games for it, why waste a 300 bux investment? they obviously dont care about home brew or emulation.
  18. BERLIN (Reuters) - Police in Berlin made their easiest arrest of the year at their annual Christmas party, after spotting a man rummaging through the pockets of their coats in the cloakroom. Officers of the Federal Police criminal investigations unit said the unlucky pickpocket had not known that the revelers in a Berlin brewery were law enforcers. "He was definitely surprised," said a police spokesman in Berlin. "He did not realize who he was dealing with." Confronted with 35 officers, the 45-year-old Albanian, who police said held a forged passport and was wanted for other offences, offered no resistance. story credits yahoo You would think even a thief would scope out where and who he was stealing from.
  19. i hope nintendo doesnt screw the pooch on this one, this system has great potential if they do it right.
  20. o yeah thats right we are the old guys of the group.
  21. my kid got a nice haul too, made my christmas one of the best ever. are me and cinder the onely one here with kids?
  22. fake no needles, resusable, enviromentally friendly lol.
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