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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. so the US release is out who here has it, we can set up some online matches.
  2. lol maybe but i was asking because maybe i can find him a NTSC version
  3. i have an Xarcade stick i love it.
  4. i wish they would too other wise my xbox wouldnt be sitting on my shelf collecting dust like it has for the past 8 months. but PS2 wins the wrestling trophy again this yr thanks to smackdownvsraw 2006. just get it for ps2 its very well worth it.
  5. Ive been playing this for the past 3 days and i gotta say its awesome. the graphics are better, the gameplay is better, way better. the new pacing system takes a little getting used to, cuz if u r a noob or do a created character u tire out easily. and if u got 2 vets in there the match can last a while, but u can go into options and turn it off. well thats all for now and i am playing the PAL version the US version will be released tomorrow and i will be getting that too cuz the online is pure awesomeness, cuz u can fight for belts and everything.
  6. the only bad part is that rumors of microsoft making the shortage on purpose for what reasons i dunno why. prolly just to have some sort of sell out in minutes tag or something. since i know i wont get one for the holidays i will be putting that cash towards a PS3.
  7. this is a sad day for wrestling fans everywhere eddie was one of the best talents ever. no matter where he wrestled he always worked his ass off. he had ring and mic skills that were matched by only a few others. he will be missed.
  8. guns are horrible in the game but i got it just for the wire fu acts. not a great game but its a good little distraction if u were a fan of the film.
  9. i did the same thing garage did. I want gun havent had a chance to get it yet
  10. Im with LSD get a psp with the homebrews u can have your nes,snes,gb,gba and more with that. plus even though u may never use it,movie watch capability.
  11. i didnt think night terror was playable
  12. i was gonna take my kid but its raining so i will just keep some of the candy i bought and take the rest to work for my employess to eat. im not big on candy but i eat it every now and then.
  13. SC3 doesnt have lan support crap well no hope of online play for it lol, but the thought is nice. and am i mistaken in thinking most mod chips still require the swap method or no.
  14. check the site out u have to have a router and broadband connection is all i know for now.
  15. http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/ this is the generic online thing i was talking about lol i knew i would find it.
  16. on another side note HD mods are better than mod chips cuz for some reason mod chips put more pressure on the lazer thus making it burn out faster. but the tourney mode on SC3 is perfect for online play the structure is nice and i sure with a little work they could do a matchmaking system that would put broadband with broadband and 56gay with other 56gay. and the generic online thing is the same one they use to play GT4 online i cant remeber the name for the life of me.
  17. online play would have rocked, maybe that generic online play system will find a way i cant think of the name now lol. but yeah the scenes in the story mode are over used way too much u can almost do the interactive stuff without looking after a while. but im off to play it a little more before i go to work lol.
  18. I agree with K'Dash better than 2. in this one u cant just go in swinging thinking u will win. even on normal the cpu gives u a run for your money. the only gripe i have is the story mode can get a little boring at times with all the text. but it;s diff cuz u get to interact in some of the scenes, its not a big thing but its cool nonetheless. But i have no gripes on the gameplay its top notch and the cast is huge and thats not included the created characters u can make. Good single player game even better if u got some friends to play with ya.
  19. while it would be kewl to have a stand up machine, it sucks that u cant add any games to it.
  20. i dont use swwap magic already messed up one ps2 with that slide card crap. i just use hd advance/loader and exploits through the mem card.
  21. i tried to softmod my xbox didnt work but my ps2 is the bomb since i softmodded it
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