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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. u dont have like an xtra 40 or so gig hd laying around the house.
  2. well 2 yrs heres what ya do get ya a network adapter a hd and pm for some links and u can play any import on your ps2.
  3. do u have an old ps2 or a new pstwo model?
  4. I got this game the other day, and i have to say is wow. I dont know how many anime inspired video games in the history of PS2 has had 3 out of 3 games that are all worth playing. As much as the anime has annoyed me,that games have always been a blast to play.And the weird thing is all of the games are almost totally in japanese!!! The fun factor breaks the language barrier. Anyway un like the other Naruto titles this one is a 3d adventure. Its just like dragonball z sagas cept this isnt a big steaming pile of crap. The levels are a nice, the graphics are very good as well. downside is that the A.I. is sometimes like the anime retarded. they just stand there sometimes, other times they can gang up on ya and serve a hot can of whup ass. if u r a fan of the anime or just a good action game for that matter and you have a ps2 pick this game up you will not be disapointed. well maybe a little just dont go in thinking it remakes the whole action genre. 4 out of 5
  5. i bet he does and he may feel brazen enough to try it again and find out that ninjas arent bulletproof.
  6. taratata please dont turn this from a hot chick thread to a american flag debate.
  7. very nice ladies on all the post that have pics i wouldnt turn any of them down if they offered hot coffee.
  8. yeah 50 bucks and a bunch of injuries, and when they get home a bunch of people who are gonna say i dont even know how to freakin work this thing. wheres solitare??
  9. i was gonna post this story but stupid net at work went out. but im with cinder they were freaking macs. and 4 yr old macs at that.
  10. i miss the nwo before almost everyone in WCW became s member of some sort of n.w.o or nwo black or LWO
  11. you are correct, kane did play the fake undertaker as well as the fake deisel. as well as issac yankem DDS. The twin towers were the bomb back in the day, wrestling needs the characters and charisma of back in the day with some of the newer action thats not water down much like on the indy circuit. thats why i give TNA as much credit they try not to water down their action too much, but most of their guys mic skill suck arste.
  12. Orton would be great as champion again he has the mic skills and the in ring ability to carry it. the undertaker is close to retirement, hogan should really be gone already but he can still get a good pop wherever he goes.if vince actually listened to some of the fans ideas for story lines the ratings may actually go up a little.
  13. i would love a drive in in my town those are such cool things that are being erased out of memory. such a shame. if i had the start up capital i would open up one.
  14. You just gave me an insight i didnt even look into I like your predictions, but for some strange reason i think micheals is gonna win. Orton will already have his hands full with the Taker that night. But i do see the potential from the 2 rko;s to hogan and micheals.
  15. Madden 06 NCAA 06 OZ We Love katamari and sengoku basura and the FEAR demo
  16. this game is bananas B A N A N A S lol. seriously this game is very good something i can really look forward to.
  17. I try to help people as much in the real world as i do on the net world. No real reason behind it I guess its just in my character. P.S. I think the chief kicked back too many brewskies or he really needs a vacation.
  18. im sure a few of you may have wanted to make your own comics, well here is a nice pain free way to do so.be creative write a short comic and post it, we could use the mild laugh if its actually funny or if its just that crappy. im sure most of the posters will have something to say about it.
  19. yeah a nice stable but they were trying to emulate the greatest stable of all time which is the 4 horsemen.
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