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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. the only good part about the game was the stabbing people in the face, other than that it was a so so action title. the movie was so so as well but a decent way to pass a little time. also the older movie was kick ass.
  2. nice to see the hitman back in some form in the wwe, even if only for the dvd deal and maybe a raw appearance. i cant wait for the dvd, one of my fav fueds of all time was him and stone cold.
  3. loved this song when i saw it on chappelle. too bad that series is over now.
  4. my xbox is in storage and my gc was sold months ago. garage is your billbox hard modded or softmodded?
  5. really good chicken marsala resturant pizza egg foo yung jelly filled doughnuts since i have them so rarely
  6. I would have to go with the DC as well i got too many games for it not to have something to go back and play. specially Soul Calibur.
  7. reading news today came across this looking good man!!!! Real or not looks good for what ever they are from.
  8. I wonder who is the lucky person who bought it. Very nice mod.
  9. little bastards u should have played some real burnout with thier arses.
  10. It is very good. I liked it better than the last and i am adding it to my creative as i type this. 8 out of 10.
  11. Fatal either you are playing some old smackdown stuff or you dont know how to create a character right.
  12. Yeah the find was a bit late but i didnt see any other news posted, but yeah my sig is user stuff from fire pro wrestling x. very fun game, u should pick it up.
  13. Damn i may have to get one just for the emulation itself. I mean it has to be pretty good when they list emus as features. They had to pust some effort into it.
  14. Well while looking at some game news today I stumbled accross some details on the new Smackdown game for PS2 later this yr. They have made a few changes this yr hopefully for the better. credits go to THQ.co.uk screens and updates Interview with developer I have to say I can't wait, especially since they are gonna put some actually effort into the online mode this yr. And the 2 yr season is something I've been waiting for. Now just waiting for the roster list.
  15. I concur intro could be better,but the rest of the song is rocking 7/10 from me. downed it to my mp3 player.
  16. All I have to say is that if u are a Family Guy fan watch this dvd. I laughed so hard i hurt. 5 out of 5 buy it,download it do what ya got to do to get it.
  17. i have a legit copy and the only update i did was for service pack 2 windows updates do more harm than good to me.
  18. Not really just finally had time to biatch about it. lol
  19. I'm almost as offended about these shirts as i was when i found out ghandi hated black people. lol just kidding but that part about ghandi was true. Some times i wish people would put as much energy in trying to get along rather than hating on someone because of skin color and such. i would wear any of those shirts and not think a thing about them cept they are funny.
  20. I cant wait for the warriors the game does justice to a grat movie.
  21. I just got this game the other day and i must say i am very diapointed. I knew going in basically it was the same ol KOF just with some new art work and on diff hardware, but the disapointing part is the same ole sprites except they are smoothed for the diff hardware and the ps2 i assume. We all have these gripes on most of the 2D fighters that come out nowadays that are built on ageing franchises,"why do they use the same ole sprites?" I mean is it really that hard to redraw your characters with fresh designs or out fits? The 2 biggest franchises that are guilty of this are of course Street Fighter 2 and Most SNK games. I was gonna say KOF but most SNK games are guilty of this as well. So I pose this question to you guys, if u could redesign any of your fav fighting game characters, how would u do it? If u got the talent draw em up and post it. If not just write a verbal description. Just to keep it interesting if u could make one from scracth tell us about him/her or it lol.
  22. i like both groups but the peppers win on this one but then this is coming from a guy who listens to a little of every thing including rockabilly.
  23. it would depend on the situation for me as well. but if he was gonna try to pop a cap in me he is gonna earn it after the ass whipping i give him.
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