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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. all the girls were good looking i;d bang them all.
  2. Dude i've known GC for years, he would never resort to such childish tatics or hold a personal vendetta against a member of this site. Except xxl, but that bastard deserved it. So stop whining like a little beotch, and start anew here at 1emu.
  3. i think hotness on a small scale was def. one of the reasons she was let go, but it were a fat chick she prolly would have been let go too just so her unmentionables would touch the seat since cops gotta clean their cars. i just wanna know who called the cops in the first place. if i was working were a hot naked chick came in she would prolly leave with a lot of free stuff.
  4. big fan of asian food my self but also sucker for italian and good ol american home cooking.
  5. every day in the morning sometimes mid day or at night if im doing bedroom activities. u cant walk around smelling of sex people look at ya weird.
  6. 1.Street Fighter2/3 alpha3 2. Soul Calibur1,2,soon to be 3 3. Marvel vs. Capcom 2(god i wanted there to be a 3) 4. Tekken (all of em including 4 depsite it;s many flaws) 5. KOF whole series despite the repetitiveness
  7. i knew this one was gonna be more like the original book. so there is really no reason to compare the two.i just count them as 2 diff flicks.
  8. it seems it is a very well written and thought out work. lets just hope they dont screw this up. this is a very good angle if they do it right.
  9. for all u wrestling fans who watch raw tonight i think matt hardy just went crazy on the air, lol it was hilarious to see him whip edges ass lol. it may be a work but i dunno any thoughts or feelings.
  10. this site has become so much more than just an emu site. we help each other out in so many ways. it;s just a nice friendly place. emulation drew us here but friendship keeps us here.
  11. well i def knew gryph was gonna buy it, im thinking of buying it as well i just saw it when i was looking through my sites and when u get those early releases u cant play on the public servers which sucks ass. meh i dont know what to do the one time i got to play the demo it was ok , not enough people on for me to judge.
  12. i know most of u know about the "pre" release of battlefield 2 so is anyone playing or what.
  13. my kid made me a card it was nice, then he hugged and kissed me. i also got 5 conan comics, 2 pair of jeans, and my fav dinner.
  14. good luck or dont drink the water there??? and this is shown and the public wonder what kind of animals are not seen.
  15. i just hope if they do another one they follow some of the same formula from begins, and not go crazy like they did with the series as they did with clooney and kilmer
  16. one last thing for this dying thread is that the only other diff thing from the console version is getting to play the sex scene mini games.
  17. happy bday mag one of the coolest mo fo's i know.
  18. Movie was great, it did what it was supposed to do by telling the story of how batman came to be and it did a damn good job.
  19. i;m going today, in fact here in a few mins i will post my opion when i get back.
  20. the PPV was awesome like i said the wwe guys didnt kill it too much but to show my gernerosity i am willing to part with a few copies of the dvd to the first 4 lucky people to pm me with addys and a good reason why u deserve one
  21. i got a straight digital signal from my satallite to the dvd recorder lol. best qaulity right off the bat lol
  22. ah gryph beat me to it he got off on all counts the accussers killed them selves on this one.
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