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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. very emotional show why cant wwe produce one of their regular ppv's like that o yeah thats right most of their wrestlers now dont have a hard work ethic like the ecw guys. man that show was flocking awesome.i put it on dvd so i can relive the memories for a while longer.
  2. i'm ordering it i cant wait. ECF'n W rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. when they pry th controller from my cold dead hands
  4. im with gryph on this one a little overboard but it was funny. i guess getting tazed in the arm makes u bark like a dog lol.
  5. yeah i think i will pick this up to me and gamecop played vice city online before it was pretty fun im buying it for the chance of multiplayer alone, since i have the PS2 version which is still the best version to me.
  6. I voted wrong lol. I dont think hes totally guilty but ,MJ has done and will prolly always do weird stuff. Im like a lot of comedians and people with commen sense. What kind of dumb arse would leave ther kid alone with MJ?? Ahhh just money hungry bastardos i guess. Thanks to my fav english teacher for pointing out my misuse of grammer!!!!!
  7. as much as i liked DBZ 3 im getting the burnout of the series i mean they arent changing that much. will someone please come out with street fighter 4 and leave it 2-D!!!!!!!!
  8. whats the best software firewall to use im just curious
  9. they really should move final fantasy from turned based to real time combat. that would refresh the series a little bit.
  10. SNK Playmore is wasting the new hardware with the old sprites this is just like if Street fighter 4 came out with the same ol sprites.
  11. Tekken 5 is one of the best fighting games period. excellent graphics and very fluid gameplay, even the tekken force type mode was ok. and sorry to tell u cinder tekken 6 is confirmed for ps3.
  12. i enjoyed it thouroghly. great graphics nice sound and tight controls. not in the same level as DMC so no fair to use as a comparison. and the boobs are just a bonus if u have never seen tits before.
  13. nice car may it get u chicks or plenty or at least plenty of them asking for rides.
  14. very good movie 2 thumbs up very nice action and a very good story
  15. i will agree with u on that griff since bill has the money to throw around like that to take a cut to stick it to sony. i mean if u can get a billbox and halo 3 for under 300 if not lower that that and look at the ps3 by it self for 500. which will the casual gamer go for. i dont care 500 or what ever im getting a ps3 at launch.
  16. i agree the small cell phone sized screen will be a prob for most older gamers or people with eye problems in general. but im like a lot of people nintnedo didnt come out with a real wow for e3 this yr. meh they havent in a few yrs anyway.
  17. love the look of the console i wont judge the controllers till i get one in my hands i hated the ps1 controllers when it first came out cuz i was used to the snes and saturn controllers but im not conflicted on which system to get im getting both.
  18. in terms of worldwide microsoft has really a snoballs chance in hell of getting a uperhand on sony or nintendo. i mean nintendo DS beat all consoles recently in japan by launching a series of sim dog titles wtf.!!!! but anyway bill doesnt relize to the hardcore its gonna come down to the games. and sony has more publishers on their side.
  19. i dont think it will dent sony much at all. specially since they are announcing it so early.
  20. bill is laying out his pimp hand Gates is pulling out all stops being a true contender to sony in the next gen line up. He is gonna release Halo 3 the same day as the PS3 release!! I have seen some bold moves in the gaming industry but this is kinda big. a big hit like halo could do a little damage to sony on launch, i mean i dont see it crippling sony that much, but it will hurt them. But this early announcement can back fire on gates, it gives sony plenty of time to up the launch date or release some phony details. but knowing Gates he has some very well paid spies at Sony so who knows. but it will be interesting to say the least.
  21. seems interesting i will have to give it a shot.
  22. i hope he gets over this soon he is my current fav comdian. i have already pre ordered the second season dvds and everything. he is really up there in the ranks of great comedians.
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