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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. Katachi no mienai tsunagari wo shinjitai Eye to eye Toki ni wa tashikameaitai yo Don't you know, know, know It's love i saw the ranma 1/2 movie and that song was stuck in my head for months
  2. this is exactly why i got a creative zen nomad. easy setup, better sound and a removable battery. puls remove songs on the fly.
  3. i got the logitech wireless for my ps2 havent changed the battery in like a yr.
  4. that would make someone who doesnt have a psp buy that battery
  5. those pics are from a mock up in PSM. I saw these pics months ago. i know they are fake.
  6. I fear sadly i will always be a wrestling fan. something always brings me back to it.
  7. yeah that is the mac's how do u say le motif. im sure i said that wrong but not only is it hard to find software for, but its 3 times more expensive than pc versions of the same thing.
  8. like i said in an earlier post i know im gonna end up with both of these systems. but sony has something up their sleeves, they are not gonna let the bill box punk them out like this. its gonna be one long media rape by both companies till E3.
  9. i think this was slick on MS and MTV's part MS gets a hand up in the console war with early coverage and mtv may get a couple of viewers lol.
  10. Seems Microsoft is going to get a week head start on all the next gen consoles by showing the xbox a week before E3 on MTV. Thanks goes to Yahoo
  11. maybe they will take a cue from this and rerelease a true street fighter complimation.
  12. lol u r gonna have to rest between all the boning man u r the living dead. anyways welcome back
  13. yeah if u have spike tv, which is carried on all major cable and satallite providers. the replay airs tonight at 8.
  14. Did anyone else catch the finale last night? It was just as good as one of the ppv's. action packed and 3 very talented fighters got contracts. I can;t wait for the next one.
  15. This by far will be one of the kewlest and weirdest videogame experices ever.
  16. Step right up boys and girls and fire the kittie cannon. Blast the kittie farthest and u will prolly just be some geek with a high score lol. Step right up!!!
  17. no they may not be making one with jakks but they are releasing another title this year in Q4. I would hate to see jakks not have involment, but i also welcome a new take from another team.
  18. thats stephen chow btw (KUNG FU HUSTLE PWNS ALL) lol i hope some one banned platic slug cuz of his avatar lol
  19. I agree i hate those predetermined tag partners. i also think that heel face meter from SvsR can go too i didnt really see the purpose in it since u really couldnt turn or anything.All the current consoles have one more WWE title coming to them before they move to the next gen consoles. I think they should go out with a bang. I mean even WM21 for xbox is looking decent. i may have to buy it just to dust off the old bill box.THq knows they dropped the ball in a lot of ways with SvsR so i think they will make up for it with this yrs installment. and for goodness sake they need to put more finishers in on the create a moveset this yr. Add some of the japanese finishers or fan favs. specially the canadian destroyer!!!!
  20. Well crap i seem to be losing it in my old age lol. well still they can use the liscences they have which are just sitting there.
  21. Good feedback, i really liked HCTP better my self. RvsS had its good points though. I liked the voice overs, though they got old after a few time through the game. The online feature was ok but it was so lacking of features, I felt it was hurried just to get the game out on time.But enough ranting heres what i want to see on the next installment. Relistic realtime damage Flowing blood More control over entrances including lighting and such More robust online features if you are gonna put it in there do it right. Have belts to challange for ,voice chat, and so on. Put the whole roster on there if u got to use a dual layer disc do it. More counters every move can be countered on TV why not put it in the game. In match turns, sometimes u get sick of your partner or u get tired of being a face. just beat him down and leave him there to get pinned or help beat him down lol. And finally for now more licensed tunes. Oh i gotta add one more thing i saw somewhere since the WWE has all those name rights and stuff to other organazations use them. who here would love to see some sting vs shawn micheals matches and etc.
  22. A few of you guys have played the Smackdown series on the PS2, and I know a lot of things could be added or taken out to make it better. I wanna hear your thoughts on the features which i will add together and foward to THQ. I will post my thoughts after i see you guys thoughts. Please only real suggestions and no flame wars. You can bash wrestling and wrestling games in your own post.
  23. i would just go buy a new one since not many places are sold out at the moment.
  24. i gotta agree naruto 2 on ps2 is quite fun.
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