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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. LOL i kid you not gryph some one will think u r serious by saying that.
  2. Well there were a few little bright spots in the world of gaming today. Capcom released details of the upcoming Sengoku Basara for the PS2. The title is being developed by by Resident Evil 4's Hiroyuki Kobayashi, and Makoto Tsuchibayashi, who worked on the original Devil May Cry. Well it has one thing going for it with the talent behind at least we can look forward to that! It even has some semi decent voice talent so far with Kazuya Nakai the guy who voiced Wakka in Final Fantasy X and Souichirou Hoshi who voiced Kilik in the Soul Calibur game. The game will feature Dynasty Warrior type gameplay with Street Fighter type boss battles. Sounds interesting, we'll see later on this year. For more on this title visit the link below :Sengoku Story In other playstation news Sony is releasing yet another version of the PSX to be compatible with the psp. This system must sell like gold over in japan to get all these changes in upgrades in like a 2 year period. I mean the psp connectivity is good all but the could have just released something for the PC, which some hacker or any person with computer knowledge is gonna do anyway. Somtimes i think sony tries too hard to make them selves popular. Also one last tidbit is that there will be another Tomb Raider. WTF , the only thing that can save this franchise is that Laura Craft better be doing some nude scenes in it. You fanboys will prolly flame me for that one but thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it. More news later if anything of importance pops up.
  3. Whole story here Well after three years of work, Monty Python member Eric Idle looks to have a broadway hit on his hands. I mean if you look at most of the recent broadway shows, this will save broadway in a big way. Monty Python has a huge fanbase, so thats gonna attract a lot of people. To top it off it's one of the funniest films ever that he converted to musical format. Monty Python and the Holy Grail!! How sweet is that? If any one here has seen the film, then you know how side splitting funny this musical has the potential to be. It will definatly give me something to do when i go to new york later this year.
  4. Will hasnt let me down yet, im looking forward to this
  5. lol good one gryph, we should start blaming other forms of entertainment if they are gonna blame video games.
  6. reading.cooking , movies, tv, football, sex, fixing pcs and not in that order.
  7. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/195816 if u liked kung fu or hated give this a whirl its ok
  8. lol i agree with that one gryph i cant wait to see this movie!!!!
  9. one of my fav toons as a kid , the PSA's make me miss them somewhat lol.
  10. dark city was good but im gonna go with matrix 1 on the better movie. the W bros got high on crack when they did the sequels
  11. http://yonkis.com/mediaflash/dispara.htm very fun flash game and great stress reliever
  12. meh im gonna get xbox2 and ps3 no use trying to war over which is better.
  13. muchas gracias mag thanks for all u done. i f i can help in any way i will do my best.
  14. i get PSM and EGM and soon OPSM i wanna get game informer but they are pricey i also get FHM
  15. oh god yet another reason to bash rap and hip hop. i dont listen to either but i wont judge theses games cuz of that i will judgre if they are fun to play or not. and btw tom clancy's books are just like his games the same thing over and over with a different paint job.
  16. i think this game is def at least a 9.5 awesome graphics and very good gameplay.
  17. this is sucky all older roms and such should be totally free since game companies really dont make money off of them any more.
  18. i finally got my copy today and OMG the graphics engine on this game is unreal its hard to believe its a ps2 game.
  19. all i can say about his comments towards tekken 5 is now thats jealously.
  20. lol these are hilarious, superman is a cold blooded bastard.
  21. can the old ones even run on xp? last time i tried to load 6 it didnt work, but the one thing i think he will like better with the new one are the boobies. may be the driving force for him liking the new one lo!!!!
  22. i got the game for ps2 i just havent played it yet, but i really wanna see the movie , it looks interesting. i wish i could read some of the comics.
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