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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. i dont think piracy affected it that much. there are not a huge number of people who even know how to download games, and u got a lot of fanboys who have to have the original of every game they get.
  2. it doesnt matter to me i got 2 or 3 legit copies of xp but i would never be stupid enough to get any updates from MS ,
  3. where did u get kung fu hustle on dvd unless u downloaded it
  4. RIP your were truly the king of late night. no one will ever take your throne,
  5. this is not spam as long as no flaming takes place i will allow this and no one word responses put some thought into it.
  6. taekwondo(jap) snes intellegent cube psx axelay snes (i just dont think that game got the credit it desreved for being a great shooter) life force nes roller games nes ( cheesey but entertaining) that just a few for now i will think of more for later
  7. very good suggestions i got hero the day it came out the story was ok i just liked the action scenes cuz they were so memerizing to watch.
  8. i recently had a renewed intrest in asian cinema after i watched shalolin soccer, the movie was completly in chinese but i laughed my ass off. so i need more suggestions for good asian comedy or really good action. dont put versus cuz im getting the directors cut of that tomorrow.
  9. thats just flocked up on all levels EA has gone mad.
  10. the only real hacks i see so far will be emus those UMD disc are not easy to come by. i mean u can get mem sticks up to a gig but the are like 350 bux more than what the psp is gonna cost.
  11. k-1 grand prix, pinball greats,GTA san andreas, pride fc,kof 94 rebout tried to play fatal frame 2 but didnt have enough time to get into it
  12. sources are saying sony want to release it with a 149-199 price tag on and garageink i think some pda function will be availible
  13. microsoft had to know about the potential piracy when they included the hard drive, that is whey when the xbox came out they claimed no one could hack it, an d i think 2 weeks later someone did that. the next box will come in 3 flavors this time around with or without a hard drive or the pc version. the next gen console wars wont be about powerful systems cuz they all are gonna be stacked its gonna come down to the games , which is gonna be a lot of first party stuff cuz the 3rd party companies will be doing a lot of cross platform games. that 3rd party exclusive title stuff will prolly go the way fo the dino soon , since there is too much money to be made when doing cross platform stuff.
  14. ill just wait for the dumbed down ps2 version
  15. No, you're not hallucinating. America's highest-profile animal-rights organization has handed one of its Proggies, awards for "people, companies, and organizations that exemplify animal-friendly progress in 21st century culture and commerce," to a video game. The winner was Steer Madness from independent developer Veggie Games. Described as Grand Theft Auto meets Chicken Run, the open-ended third-person-action PC game follows a boisterous bovine abattoir-escapee as he runs around a free-roaming metropolis, rescuing lab animals, befriending baby seals, and (this is not a joke) carjacking tofu trucks. However, unlike most other "message" games, Steer Madness actually has some polish--enough to be an entrant in the 2005 Independent Games Festival, anyway. credits go to game spot my first thoughts some one should hack the engine and make the bull go crazy canabil on the other animals. now im against animal cruelty but they were put here as food for humans and when i see a cow all i think of is milk steaks and burgers.
  16. she was lucky she got anything at all , since they were seperated and on the divorce trail she really didnt have much of a claim , i would have rode it out in court i would have been rich and she would be bankrupt in lawyers fees and i wouldve got my kid too.
  17. thats sucks on all ends but u gotta practice a little self control
  18. if u like any of the cheech and chong or stoner type movies u will love it well worth the 20 bux i paid for the dvd.
  19. u gotta get this movie youll laugh your arse off!!!!!
  20. i have a terebyte of storage total between all my drives and its mostly filled with junk i really need to do some housekeeping, dont invest in that much storage unless u have valuble stuff that u acess often other wise u will turn into a software pack rat like me lol.
  21. gta was excellent mgs3 was very good the others werent that good to me nba balllers 2 isnt out and nfl street 2 was the same as one with like 3 new features.
  22. im not trying to down nintendo but their strongest revenue right now is almost entirely in the handheld dept. 2004 was not a strong yr for nintendo and i also hate to say the DS wasnt what everyone wanted it to be just like the psp launch in japan it was a little disapointing.
  23. it will be another good console war but i dont think nintendo will do good this time around except with kiddies and hardcore fanboys sony and xbox are dead set on killing nintendo i see nintendo going the way of sega to become a developer for both sony and microsoft , then again i could be wrong.personally i think sega should surprise everyone and come out with dream cast 2 and give it the marketing and support it deserves and give us a real console 4 way. all of us will be whoreing our selves out for cash to get a system of some type. one final thing is that like most of u guys have said none of the specs are gonna matter if the games are crap.
  24. hell i would buy it just for the food sealing lol anyways i own 3 ipaqs 1 compaq and 2 hp's i dont need another.
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