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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. been a good yr lets hope the next is even better!!!!
  2. i finally got my hands on the jap version of KOF 94 rebout for playstation 2, and after an hour of play its one of those good games that u think should have been left alone but the new changes are welcome. i f u r a 2-d fighter fan or just a fan of the series i recommend picking it up just for comparison reasons. the sprites have been completly smoothed over , no more clunky looking characters or backgrounds. the backgrounds are totally redone in 3-D some are excellent others are what the hell were they thinking, the new anime intro is very good a welcome change from the original. the gameplay is the same as before a mid range combo system with compicated SDM that make u curse alot, or at least they did me cuz its been a while since i played a KOF game. all in all it was a pretty good game kept me entertained the whole hour and the AI aint no punk beotch either cheap and cheesy like it is in most KOF games. I do miss th old intros to the matches from the old version but the online mode made up for it !!!so it is with a clear mind i give this game a 3 out of 5.
  3. wtf i mean this is dangerous when people get this bored
  4. happy new yrs guys hope u all have a good one.hope you bought in the new yr with a bang!!!
  5. im a geek and i wanna kick their arse
  6. i just got GGXX reload for the ps2 the other day and i got to say im still impressed with the series awsome graphics nice soundtrack and some the weirdest characters ive seen in a fighting game.
  7. me wants one i may have to find me a a nice import shop and pick one up. even though i have an X aracade stick i loved the old neo geo sticks they rocked/
  8. may as well have the whole mishima clan in the game since they all have diff fighting styles and that crazy hair
  9. creative zen xtra 40 gig mp3 player clerks X dvd tshirt jacket nfl street 2(ps2) march maddness 2k5(ps2) a light saber toy(from my son varying gift cards flash light sweater some leather pants i will never wear lol p.s. no one got me the copy of half life 2 i wanted (the bastards)
  10. well merry christmas guys i hope u all have a nice one cant wait till tomorrow so we can share stories and tell what loot we all got.
  11. that was interesting but funny too
  12. to me my fav bruce lee movies were fist of fury ,chinese connection and return of the dragon i mean i love all of his films but those are the top 3 for me , i like jet li too but im with GC he really shows no emotion when he fights the most emotion i seen him display was in hero. as far as jackie chan goes i love all of his stuff he's a very talented martial artist and he is funny too cant beat that combo.
  13. live life to the fullest find spiritual peace and fall in love at least once
  14. do the family thing on christmas and try to beat some of the 180 ps2 games i got new yrs will just be resting and football.
  15. well this is good news i started dowing it yesterday
  16. betty page was a hottie but i wonder how many guys here know who that is lol
  17. i bet that concert was awesome. glad u had fun.
  18. im sure they will sneak in a another variety of tekken force mode in this one as well this xtra mode is basically a way just to give jins back story
  19. lol too bad i dont get regular breaks like that anymore would prolly be playing some half life 2 when i get my hands on it and some nfl street 2
  20. i guess since i have a fair amount of sanity i cannot fathom what makes a person snap like that. thats flocked up beyond reason!!!!!! and flock is not the word i wanna use.
  21. damn i guess i better find that pc demo , i guess its like a lot of movies they show all the good parts in clips and such but the overall movie sucks
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